iOS SDK Development
ZohoSignSDK provides easy to use of methods to sign a document with your iOS Mobile Application.
- Supports all ZohoSign document fields (Signature, Initial, Stamp, Name, Company, Job title, Sign Date, Custom Textfield, Dropdown, Radio button, Attachment, Checkbox)
- Supports all signature creation methods like Draw, Type, Capture
- Supports Light/Dark mode
- Built-in document scanner for uploading attachments
- Intuitive signing experience
- Supports print and upload signed document
- Supports two-factor Validation for signing document
- Supports iPhone, iPad & macCatalyst
- Supports 20 Languages
- iOS 11.0+
- Xcode 10.0+
- Swift 5.0+
Installation using Cocoapods
You can integrate ZohoSignSDK in your application using CocoaPods using the ZohoSignSDK pod. Here is an example Podfile where ZohoSignSDK is included. After ZohoSignSDK is added to your Podfile, run the pod install command to complete the Installation
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'Project Target' do
pod 'ZohoSignSDK', '~> 1.0.3-Beta'
Quick Start
import ZohoSignSDK
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var signClient : ZohoSignClient = {
let zsClient = ZohoSignClient()
zsClient.delegate = self
zsClient.dataSource = self
zsClient.skipDocumentDetailsPage = true
zsClient.skipTermsAndConditionPage = true
return zsClient
func signDocument() {
signClient.presentSigningViewController(signID: #DOCUMENT_SIGN_ID_TO_BE_SIGNED#,
from: self)
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extension MyViewController : ZohoSignClientDelegate{
func zohosignClientDidFinishSigning(signID: String) {
##Success Handling
func zohosignClientDidFailed(error: ZSError) {
##Error handling
func zohosignClientDidSigningCancelledByUser() {
##User cancelled
extension ViewController : ZohoSignClientDataSource{
func requestUserAgent() -> String {
return #Useragent you want to set as header in request calls#>\
func clientAppId() -> String {
return "YOUR APP ID" ##just for our reference and track
ZohoSignSDK has ready-to-use localizations for:
- English en
- English-UK en-GB
- Dutch nl
- German de
- Italian it
- Filipino fil
- Spanish es
- Swedish sv
- French fr
- Norwegian Bokmal nb
- Polish pl
- Portuguese(Brazil) pt-BR
- Portuguese(Portugal) pt-PT
- Russian ru
- Chinese Simplified Han zh_Hans
- Chinese Traditional zh_Hant
- Turkish tr
- vietnamese vi
- korean ko
- Japanese ja
Keys in Info.plist
You need to add some keys to the Info.plist file with descriptions, per Apple's requirement(s). You can get a plist of keys for permissions as follows:
List of keys:
NSCameraUsageDescription - This app needs access to camera to scan and capture signatures or documents.
NSContactsUsageDescription - Allow access to your address book to add contacts directly to the app.
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription - This app needs access to camera roll to upload documents that you've already captured.