API Root Endpoint

Zoho Sign is available in multiple data centers, which means that the API URL's domain differs for each data center. The APIs on this document are for Zoho Sign organizations that are in the .com domain. If your organization is on a different domain, replace .com with the appropriate domain before using them. 

The different data center and their corresponding domains are as follows:

Data Center


United States.com
Saudi Arabia.sa
How to find your domain?

Visit our web application and check its URL. If the URL is sign.zoho.in, you are accessing it from the .in domain (India data center). The authorization request, token creation must be made from the appropriate domain URL.  

Sign URL : https://sign.zoho.<Domain>/api/v1/
Accounts URL : https://accounts.zoho.<Domain>
API Console URL : https://api-console.zoho.<Domain>

Here's what a sample URL will look like:

Sample Sign URL: https://sign.zoho.com/api/v1/requests
Sample Accounts URL: https://accounts.zoho.com/
Sample API Console URL : https://api-console.zoho.com/