Get documents list
This will help you to fetch the list of documents in your account.
Params | Datatype | Explanation | Allowed values |
row_count * | Int | No of rows to be retrieved | Integers [1,2,...,n] |
start_index * | Int | Start Index | Integers [1,2,...,n] |
sort_column * | String | Sort Column | request_name | folder_name | owner_full_name | recipient_email | form_name | created_time |
sort_order * | String | Sort By | ASC | DESC |
API Endpoint
Request example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.03xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa5317.dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfa' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'data={
"page_context": {
"row_count" : ,
"start_index" : ,
"search_columns" : {},
"sort_order" : ""
Sample input
"page_context": {
"row_count" : ,
"start_index" : ,
"search_columns" : {},
"sort_order" : ""
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"code": 0,
"requests": [
"request_status": "inprogress",
"notes": "Hi\nA note\nMr. Tester\nHow ar eyouuu ?",
"owner_id": "2000000002002",
"description": "",
"request_name": "Leave a note test",
"modified_time": 1522746018025,
"action_time": 1522746018310,
"is_deleted": false,
"expiration_days": 1,
"is_sequential": true,
"sign_submitted_time": 1522746018310,
"owner_first_name": "V********",
"sign_percentage": 33.34,
"expire_by": 1522866540000,
"is_expiring": true,
"owner_email": "v******@***.com",
"created_time": 1522746018025,
"document_ids": [
"document_name": "Employee NDA.pdf",
"document_size": 26591,
"document_order": "0",
"total_pages": 2,
"document_id": "2000000492171"
"self_sign": false,
"in_process": false,
"request_type_name": "Others",
"request_id": "2000000492177",
"request_type_id": "2000000000135",
"owner_last_name": "",
"actions": [
"verify_recipient": false,
"action_id": "2000000492180",
"action_type": "SIGN",
"private_notes": "",
"recipient_name": "S**********",
"recipient_email": "s*******@***.com",
"signing_order": 0,
"allow_signing": true,
"action_status": "UNOPENED",
"recipient_phonenumber": "",
"recipient_countrycode": ""
"message": "Document list retrieved successfully",
"page_context": {
"sort_column": "created_time",
"has_more_rows": true,
"start_index": 1,
"total_count": 1,
"sort_order": "DESC",
"row_count": 10
"status": "success"
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