Get Appointment Preferences
To get the details of appointment preferences in your organization.
Request Details
Request URL
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52
Possible operation types
ALL - Full access to appointment preferences data
READ - Retrieve appointment preferences
- includeoptional
To fetch deal record configuration when when_appointment_completed:create_deal.
Possible Value: deal_record_configuration
Sample Request
Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Response JSON Keys
- allow_booking_outside_businesshoursBoolean
Denotes if you can create appointments outside business hours.
Possible Values:
true: You can create appointments outside business hours.
false: You cannot create appointments outside business hours. - allow_booking_outside_service_availabilityBoolean
Denotes if you can create appointments outside service availability.
Possible Values:
true: You can create appointments outside service availability.
false: You cannot create appointments outside service availability. - when_duration_exceeds sstring
Represents who has to mark the appointment as 'Completed' when the service duration gets over.
Possible Values:
ask_appointment_provider_to_complete - User has to manually mark the appointment as 'completed'.
mark_as_complete -The appointment is automatically marked as 'completed'.
- show_job_sheetBoolean
Represents whether filling out the job sheet is mandatory for marking an appointment as 'completed'.
Possible Values:
true: Job sheet is mandatory for appointment completion.
false: Job sheet is not mandatory for appointment completion. - when_appointment_completedstring
Represents whether a deal has to be created when an appointment is completed.
Possible Values:
create_deal - Deal is created when any appointment is marked 'Completed'.
do_not_create_deal - Deal is not created when any appointment is marked 'Completed'. - deal_record_configurationJSON object
Contains the field mappings and layout details for record configuration in Deals from the Appointments module.
Possible Errors
The API is not supported in this version.
Solution: This API is supported only from Version 3. - INVALID_REQUEST_METHODHTTP 400
You have given an invalid http request method type.
Solution: Use only GET method in the request URL to access this API. - INVALID_REQUESTHTTP 400
You have given an invalid value either in the parameter or in the parameter value.
Solution: Use only 'include' parameter with 'deal_record_configuration' as parameter value to access this API. - INVALID_TOKENHTTP 401
You have used an invalid oauth token.
Solution: The access token you used has expired. Kindly refresh your token and retry. - OAUTH_SCOPE_MISMATCHHTTP 401
You created the grant token using the wrong oauth scope.
Solution: Use either ZohoCRM.settings.modules.READ or ZohoCRM.settings.modules.ALL scope to create a new valid grant token. - INTERNAL_ERRORHTTP 500
Internal Server Error
Solution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Please contact our support team.
Sample Response
"appointment_preferences": {
"allow_booking_outside_businesshours": false,
"deal_record_configuration": {
"layout": {
"name": "Standard",
"id": "5545974000000091023"
"field_mappings": [
"field": {
"api_name": "Owner",
"id": "5545974000000002555"
"type": "static",
"value": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "5545974000001170042"
"field": {
"api_name": "Amount",
"id": "5545974000000002557"
"type": "merge_field",
"value": "${!Services__s.Price}"
"field": {
"api_name": "Deal_Name",
"id": "5545974000000002559"
"type": "merge_field",
"value": "${!Appointments__s.Appointment_Name}"
"field": {
"api_name": "Closing_Date",
"id": "5545974000000002561"
"type": "merge_field",
"value": "${!Appointments__s.Appointment_Start_Time}"
"field": {
"api_name": "Account_Name",
"id": "5545974000000002563"
"type": "static",
"value": {
"name": "Morlong Associates",
"id": "5545974000000407007"
"field": {
"api_name": "Stage",
"id": "5545974000000002565"
"type": "static",
"value": "Closed Won"
"field": {
"api_name": "Currency",
"id": "5545974000000050013"
"type": "static",
"value": "INR"
"field": {
"api_name": "Pipeline",
"id": "5545974000000193001"
"type": "static",
"value": "Standard (Standard)"
"id": "5545974000002135059"
"show_job_sheet": false,
"when_duration_exceeds": "mark_as_complete",
"when_appointment_completed": "create_deal",
"allow_booking_outside_service_availability": true