We regularly enhance Zoho CRM APIs with new features to suit your evolving business requirements. The following changelogs detail all significant changes introduced in version 6 of Zoho CRM APIs.
Version V6
The Zoho CRM APIs with updates specific to V6 are listed below.
Navigating through code samples: In each of the code samples, newly introduced keys are presented in green, existing keys that are updated are presented in orange, and keys that are removed are presented in red.
Modules API and Module Metadata API
- The response of Get Modules API and Module Metadata API now includes a new key called recycle_bin_on_delete, indicating whether the module will be moved to the recycle bin when deleted.
- The following keys are no longer included in the response of Module Metadata API and Get Modules API response : email_parser_supported, emailTemplate_support, filter_supported, inventory_template_supported, scoring_supported, triggers_supported, webform_supported.
- We have introduced two new modules for users who have configured Voice of Customers in their account : VocResponses and VocInferences.
- Module Metadata API
- $state property has been removed from the $properties key in the response of Module Metadata API.
- Fields Metadata API
A new property customizable_properties is introduced for each field, which gives information regarding its customizable properties.
A new system-defined picklist field Record_Status__s is introduced to denote the status of the record. The available options for this field are Available, Draft and Trash.
From V6, the datatype for the Members field in the Services module has been changed from multi-select lookup to multi-user lookup. The following keys have been updated to reflect this change : filterable, searchable, ui_type. The multiselectlookup key is changed to multiuserlookup.
- The following new fields are introduced for VocResponses module : Name, Type, Tpid, Linked_Resource, Responsed_Time, Entity_Lookup, Desk_Rating, Intent, Overall_Sentiment, Email_To, Email_From, Email_Cc, Email_Bcc, Email_Subject, Survey_NPS_Score, Message_Id, Purchase_Stage, Emotion.
- The following new fields are introduced for VocInferences module : Element_Name, Element_Type, Element_Sentiment, Element_Intent, Related_Name, Linked_Resouce, Linked_Answer__s, Mentioned_By, Entity_Lookup__s.
- The following new fields are introduced for VocEvents module : Event__s, Event_Time__s, Event_Associated_Response__s, Entity_Lookup, Related_Lookup__s.
The value of data_type for Territories field has been changed from text to territories.
- The following new keys are introduced for File Upload and Image Upload modules : Created_By__s, Created_Time__s, Modified_By__s, Modified_Time__s, Owner__s
In the response of Get Fields API, the values for tooltipname is changed from Static Text to static_text, and from Info Icon to info_icon.
In the response of Get Fields API, for the unique property, the key name casesensitive is changed to case_sensitive, and the datatype for this key is changed to boolean.
From V6, the data type for the percent field has been changed from double to percent.
From V6, Notes module is treated as a Multi-module Lookup, and the data type of the the Parent_Id field is changed from lookup to multimodulelookup . This change is reflected in the following keys : data_type,multimodulelookup, ui_type, and lookup.
From version 6, the textarea datatype of multi-line field supports the rich_text type.
- Related List API
- The following new related lists are introduced for VoC configured modules : VoCResponse, VoCInferences, VoCAnswers, VoCEvents.
- Organization API
We have introduced two new keys to organizational details: created_time, which specifies the org's creation date, and type, which identifies the environment type of the org.
- Users API
- From V6, the Delink and Transfer Records API and the Validate before Transferring API will be deprecated, and the system will return an error with the code : API_DEPRECATED. Instead, use the newly introduced Remove Territory from User API, which allows you to remove territories assigned to a user without reassigning the open records to another person in your org.
A new user category support_user is introduced, which denotes the Support Access User category.
- Records API
In the response of Get Records API for File Upload and Image Upload fields, Created_Time__s, Modified_Time__s, Created_By__s, Modified_By__s and Owner__s keys are available from V6.
- For insert and update records APIs, multi-select lookup association is not allowed if the dependent record is locked, and the RECORD_LOCKED error will be thrown in such cases.
- From V6, inserting or updating calls records with an inbound or outbound call duration of zero is not permitted. The DEPENDENT_MISMATCH error will be thrown in such cases.
- Trying to update records without sufficient permissions using the Update Records API will result in the NO_PERMISSION error.
- Services API
- The Create Services and Update Services APIs now trigger the INVALID_DATA error instead of the LIMIT_EXCEEDED error when trying to associate more than 100 members in a service.
- Get Related Records API
- From V6, if a related list is not present or hidden in a layout, the system will return the INVALID_DATA error for the requested related list.
- Tags API
- From V6, attempting to add or remove tags with special characters or emojis in the tag name will result in the INVALID_DATA error.
- For the add tags and remove tags APIs, when the request involves multiple record operations and the individual responses contain both successful and failed outcomes, the HTTP 207 Multi-Status response code will be generated. In older versions, if at least one of the individual responses was successful, the overall request response would be 200 SUCCESS.
- Notes API
From V6, Parent_Id in Notes module is treated as a multi-module lookup. This change affects the request body format for the Create Notes and Update Notes APIs. The se_modules key is removed, and the Parent_Id data type is changed from string to JSON object.
The response of Get Notes API is changed to accommodate the multi-module lookup approach for Notes. Changes are reflected in the Parent_Id key, and the se_module key is removed from the response.
- Mass Change Owner API
Filter support is introduced for Mass Change Owner API. You can use the criteria key to filter records based on specific conditions.
- Send Mail API
Introduced blocked_email_addresses JSON array which represents the blocked email addresses along with their reasons.
The data type of in_reply_to is changed from string to JSON object.
- Query API
The data type for Multi-module lookup fields has been changed from string to JSON object in the response.
- Bulk Write API
- You can upload more than one CSV file corresponding to the parent records and the child records, importing them all in the same bulk write job. Two new keys have been introduced: file_names and parent_column_index. Since the ZIP file can contain more than one CSV file, the file_names key is used to map the right file to the correct module. The parent_column_index key helps map the appropriate parent record with the child record. This update is backward compatible up to V2.
- Notifications API
- Territories API
- From V6, the Territories API support is extended for custom modules. This functionality will be rolled out on an On-Demand basis. Please reach out to our support team for assistance.
- Layouts API
In the response of Get Layouts API, the datatype of tab_traversal key is changed from int to string. The possible values are now left_to_right ( earlier 2) and top_to_bottom( earlier 1).
Static Subforms
We are introducing a new feature called Static Subform, where administrators can pre-define certain column values, along with specifying the number of rows. Notably, regular users will not be able to modify the static subform's values or perform row actions.
This update brings changes to Modules API, Fields API, Layouts API, and Records API. Please be informed that the rollout of this feature will happen in a phased manner. Stay tuned for more details!