Create Appointments
To add new appointments to your organization.
Request Details
Request URL
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52
Possible operation types
ALL - Full access to appointments data
CREATE - Create new appoitments
Sample Request
Copiedcurl " "
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Request JSON Keys
- Service_NameJSON object, mandatory
Contains the name and distinctive ID of the service for which you are creating the appointment. You can fetch these details from the GET Services API.
- Appointment_Namestring, mandatory
Represents the name of the appointment and it accepts alphanumeric characters.
- Appointment_ForJSON object, mandatory
Contains the name, ID and the module's API name of the customer for whom you are creating the appointment. The customers can be from Contacts, Leads, Accounts and other custom modules which hold customer data.
- Ownerbigint, mandatory
Represents the ID of the service member who will provide the service for this appointment. Make a GET Services API call to obtain the IDs of service members. You can add only one owner to an appointment.
- Appointment_Start_Timestring, mandatory
Denotes the starting date and time of the appointment. The value should be given in the ISO 8601 format.
- Locationstring, mandatory
Represents the location where the service is offered. The GET Services API will provide you the available location of the service you have specified.
Possible Values: 'Client Address' and 'Business Address' that matches the service Location. - Addressstring, mandatory for Client Address
Provides the address of the customer, where the service will be offered. Make a GET Contacts API call to get the address of the specified contact. You can also provide a different address as demanded by the customer.
- Additional_Informationstring, optional
Provides more information about the customer needs and the service, if any.
- Remind_AtJSON array, optional
Contains the list of units and period of when you want to get the reminders for the appointment.
The value of a unit key can be only from 0 to 100.
The possible values for period key are minutes, hours and days. - Statusstring, optional
Denotes the status of the appointment.
Possible Values: 'Cancelled', 'Completed', 'Overdue' and 'Scheduled'.
- You can create a maximum of 100 appointments per API call.
Sample Input
"Appointment_Name":"James - AC Repair",
"Appointment_For": {
"module": {
"api_name": "Contacts"
"name": "James Smith",
"id": "5545974000000955056"
"Service_Name": {
"name": "AC Repair",
"id": "5545974000002180641"
"Appointment_Start_Time": "2023-04-04T11:00:00+05:30",
"Owner": "5545974000000393001",
"Location" : "Client Address",
"Address":"7 W Jackson Blvd, San Jose",
"Additional_Information":"Water leakage from the machine",
"Remind_At": [
"period": "minutes"
Request JSON Keys to Create a Rescheduled Appointment
- Rescheduled_Fromstring, mandatory to create rescheduled appointments
Denotes the previous appointment time from which the appointment was rescheduled to the new time. The Rescheduled_From time should be lesser than the new appointment time. The value should be given in the ISO 8601 format.
- Reschedule_ReasonString, Optional
Denotes who rescheduled the appointment.
Possible Values: 'By Customer' and 'By Team'. The default value is 'By Customer'. - Reschedule_NoteString, Optional
Represents the reason for rescheduling the appointment.
Sample Input to Create a Rescheduled Appointment
"data": [
"Appointment_Name": "James - AC Repair",
"Appointment_For": {
"module": {
"api_name": "Contacts"
"name": "James Smith",
"id": "5545974000000955056"
"Service_Name": {
"name": "AC Repair",
"id": "5545974000002180641"
"Appointment_Start_Time": "2023-04-21T13:00:00+05:30",
"Owner": "5545974000000393001",
"Location": "Client Address",
"Address": "7 W Jackson Blvd, San Jose",
"Additional_Information": "Water leakage from the machine",
"Remind_At": [
"unit": 30,
"period": "minutes"
"Reschedule_Reason": "By Team",
"Reschedule_Note": "Member is unavailable due to unexpected reasons"
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Request JSON Keys to Create a Cancelled Appointment
- Statusstring, mandatory to create a cancelled appointment
Denotes the status of the appointment. The possible value to create a cancelled appointment is Cancelled.
- Cancellation_ReasonString, optional
Denotes who cancelled the appointment.
Possible Values: 'By Customer' and 'By Team'. The default value is 'By Customer'. - Cancellation_NoteString, optional
Represents the reason for canceling the appointment.
Sample Input to Create a Cancelled Appointment
"data": [
"Appointment_Name": "James - AC Repair",
"Appointment_For": {
"module": {
"api_name": "Contacts"
"name": "James Smith",
"id": "5545974000000955056"
"Service_Name": {
"name": "AC Repair",
"id": "5545974000002180641"
"Appointment_Start_Time": "2023-04-21T13:00:00+05:30",
"Owner": "5545974000000393001",
"Location": "Client Address",
"Address": "7 W Jackson Blvd, San Jose",
"Additional_Information": "Water leakage from the machine",
"Remind_At": [
"unit": 30,
"period": "minutes"
"Status": "Cancelled",
"Cancellation_Reason": "By Customer",
"Cancellation_Note": "Customer Unavailable"
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Possible Errors
You are trying to create a cancelled appointment without specifying the 'Cancelled' status.
Solution: The 'Cancelled' status is mandatory to create a cancelled appointment. - DEPENDENT_FIELD_MISSINGHTTP 400
You are trying to create a rescheduled appointment without specifying the Rescheduled_From key.
Solution: The Rescheduled_From key is mandatory to create a rescheduled appointment. - DEPENDENT_MISMATCHHTTP 400
You have specified 'Scheduled' status for an appointment with past time.
Solution: You cannot schedule an appointment for a past date and time. You can only specify either 'Overdue' or 'Completed' for an appointment in the past time. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
You have specified either an invalid User ID or the user is not a part of the service members.
Solution: Make a GET Services API call to provide a valid owner ID who is a part of the service member. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
You have specified the value of Remind_At key in the wrong format.
Solution: The value of Remind_At key should be given in a JSON array, within which it should hold the unit and period keys.
The data type of unit key is numbers and it should be between 0 to 100.
The data type of period key is string and the only possible values are 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days'. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
You have given invalid values for Location key.
Solution: The only possible values are 'Client Address' and 'Business Address'. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
The appointment's Location that you specified mismatches with the service's Location.
Solution: Make a GET Services API call to get the location of the service for which you want to create the appointment. - INVALID_DATAHTTP 400
You have given an invalid value for the Appointment_Start_Time key.
Solution: Before providing value for the Appointment_Start_Time key, make a GET Services API call to know the available timings of the particular service. Ensure the appointment start time falls under the available timings of the service. - INVALID_MODULEHTTP 400
You have given an invalid module name in the request URL.
Solution: You can use only Appointments__s in the request URL. - INVALID_REQUEST_METHODHTTP 400
You have specified an invalid http request method type.
Solution: Use only the POST method in the request URL to access this API. - MANDATORY_NOT_FOUNDHTTP 400
You have failed to specify any of the mandatory fields.
Solution: The 'details' key in the error response will provide the missing mandatory field. You can also refer to the above Request JSON Keys section to find other mandatory fields. - INVALID_TOKENHTTP 401
You have used an invalid oauth token.
Solution: The access token you used has expired. Kindly refresh your token and retry. - OAUTH_SCOPE_MISMATCHHTTP 401
You created the grant token using the wrong oauth scope.
Solution: Use either ZohoCRM.modules.appointments.CREATE or ZohoCRM.modules.appointments.ALL scope to create a new valid grant token. - NO_PERMISSIONHTTP 403
You do not have permission to create any appointments.
Solution: Contact your system administrator. - INVALID_URL_PATTERNHTTP 404
Check if you are trying to access the correct URL.
Solution: You have given an invalid request URL. Use only /Appointments__s endpoint in the request URL. - INTERNAL_ERRORHTTP 500
Internal Server Error
Solution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Please contact our support team.
Sample Response
"data": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"Modified_Time": "2023-04-03T20:22:18+05:30",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "5545974000000393001"
"Created_Time": "2023-04-03T20:22:18+05:30",
"id": "5545974000002242004",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Patricia Boyle",
"id": "5545974000000393001"
"message": "record added",
"status": "success"