This API can be used to customize every aspect of the chat widget that is to be embedded on your website.
container: Mention the Div Id, where you would like to position the embed.
online.html: Specify the html code that is to be rendered when your agents are online.
offline.html: Specify the html code that is to be rendered when your agents are offline.
online.click: Specify the method to be invoked when the visitors click on the chat widget and when the operators of your firm are online.
offline.click: Specify the method to be invoked when the visitors click on the chat widget and when the operators of your firm are offline.
Customized chat widget image will be displayed only where the container Div is positioned.
Copied$zoho.salesiq.custom.html("< container >", {
"online.html" :"<img src = 'ONLINE HTML CODE' >",
"offline.html" :"<img src = 'OFFLINE HTML CODE' >",
"online.click" :function(){},
"offline.click" :function(){},
$zoho.salesiq.custom.html("salesiqchat",{"online.html":"<img src ='https://www.zoho.com/salesiq/img/Zilliumonline.png'>", "offline.html":"<img src ='https://www.zoho.com/salesiq/img/ZilliumOffline.png'>"});