View Case Listing API
This API is useful in listing cases.
Request URI for Requested Cases:<index>&status=<status>
Request URI for cases assigned to User:<index>&status=<status>&query=<query>&requestorErecno=<Employee Record ID of Requestor>&periodOfTime=<Time period>
Request URI for unassigned cases:<index>
Request URI for cases open for the User:<index>&status=<status>&query=<query>&requestorErecno=<Employee Record ID of Requestor>&periodOfTime=<Time period>
Request URI for all cases:<index>&status=<status>&query=<query>&categoryId=<Category ID>&requestorErecno=<Employee Record ID of Requestor>&periodOfTime=<Time period>
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Request parameter:
Parameter | Values Allowed | Default Value | Description |
*index | <index of listing> | <Mandatory - 1> | Specify the index of the listing |
status | <multiple status IDs> | <Empty> | String of status IDs separated by (,) comma - (Open: "1", In Progress: "2", Awaiting action from Requestor: "3", On Hold: "4", Closed: "5") - empty for all status |
categoryId | <multiple category IDs> | <Empty> | Category IDs separated by (,) comma |
query | <query string> | <Empty> | Specify the query string of the case |
requestorErecno | <Multiple record IDs of requestor> | <Empty> | Employee record IDs separated by (,) comma |
periodOfTime | <Time limit> | <Empty> | Send single time limit(Today - 0, Yesterday - 1, Past 7 days - 2, Past 30 days - 3) |
Success Response Format
"response": {
"result": {
"hrcaseList": [
"agent": {
"empid": <Agent employee ID>, (Key available only if the agent is employee)
"erecno": <Employee Record ID>, (Key available only if the agent is employee)
"employeePhoto": <Employee Photo URL>, (Key available only if the agent is employee)
"name": <Employee Display name>, (Key available only if the agent is employee)
"zuid": <ZUID of the Agent(Employee)> (Key available only if the agent is employee)
"details": <Agent display name - employee / department / group ID>,
"valueId": <Agent ID - it can be employee / department / group ID>,
"typeId": <Type ID of Agent>,
"type": <Type of Agent - display name>,
"subject": <Subject of the case>,
"SLA": { (Object is empty if there is no SLA defined for this case)
"nextViolation": <immediate next violation display time count down>, (Key available only if there is countdown to escalation - not available when there is no SLA or already escalated or case closed)
"currentStatus": <Status of the timer ; 1 - start, 2 - paused, 3 - stop>,
"isViolated": <If the case violated SLA>
"categoryName": <Name of the category>,
"requestor": {
"empid": <Requestor employee ID>,
"erecno": <Employee Record ID>,
"employeePhoto":<Employee Photo URL>,
"name": <Employee Display name>,
"zuid": <ZUID of the Requestor(Employee)>
"recordId": <Case record ID>,
"hasAttachment": <If the case has documents attached>,
"statusId": <ID of the status of case>,
"caseId": <Case ID>,
"followerMode": <Reason for user to have this case in watchlist>, (Key available only if this case is in the user's watchlist
"createdTime": <case created time in Long>,
"categoryId": <Category ID>,
"status": <Status of this case>
}, ...
"isNextAvailable": <returns true if there are more cases> (Each fetch will bring set of 25 cases)
"message": "Success",
"uri": "/api/hrcases/getRequestedCases",
"status": 0
Threshold Limit: 30 requests | Lock period: 5 minutes
Threshold Limit - Number of API calls allowed within a minute.
Lock Period - Wait time before consecutive API requests.
View Case Listing Example
Sample request
CopiedAuthorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Sample Response
"response": {
"result": {
"hrcaseList": [
"recordId": "323150000000686003",
"hasAttachment": true,
"agent": {
"empid": "1",
"valueId": "323150000000082005",
"erecno": "323150000000082005",
"employeePhoto": "viewPhoto?filename=567593000000015001",
"name": "1 Admin AD",
"details": "Admin AD",
"typeId": "1",
"type": "Employee",
"zuid": "408541577"
"statusId": "1",
"subject": "What time does the seminar on Security start tomorrow?",
"caseId": "#00108",
"SLA": {
"nextViolation": "55 minutes",
"currentStatus": 1,
"isViolated": true
"createdTime": "1559557216353",
"categoryName": "General Queries",
"categoryId": "323150000000281001",
"requestor": {
"empid": "2",
"erecno": "323150000000082109",
"employeePhoto": "",
"name": "2 Manager MG",
"zuid": "409625379"
"status": "Open"
}, ...
"isNextAvailable": false
"message": "Success",
"uri": "/api/hrcases/getRequestedCases",
"status": 0