Add and Upload File
Apart from individually Adding and Uploading files, you can also make use of a single API to have these two actions performed.
Request URL"?uploadfile=<file>&fileName=<fileName>fileDesc=<fileDesc>&fileType=<fileType>&confidential=<confidential>&roleId=<roleId>&catId=<categoryId>&employeeId=<employeeId>&isreportingTo=<isreportingTo>¬ifyToall=<notifyToall>&locationId=<locationId>&newCatName=<newCatName>
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Request Parameter
upload file | Specify the upload file |
fileName | Specify the filename |
fileDesc | Specify the fileDescription |
fileType | Specify 1 to add Company File (or) Specify 0 to add Hr File |
confidential(Company Files) | Specify 0 to make Company Files downloadable or Specify 1 to make Company Files non-downloadbale |
confidential(HR Files) | Specify 0 to make HR Files viewable for Employee or Specify 1 to make HR Files non-viewable for Employee |
roleId | Specify the roleId |
catId | Specify the filecategoryId |
employeeId | Specify the employeeId |
isreportingTo | Specify true to tag isreportingto option if reporting can see his/her subordinates files |
notifyToall | Specify true to the notifyToall option to sent an email |
locationId | Specify the locationId |
newCatName | Specify the newCategoryname |
CopiedAuthorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Copied{"response":{"result":{"FILEID":6000000043065},"message":"Data added successfully","uri":"/api/files/uploadFileMutlipart","status":0}}
Copied<response uri="/api/files/uploadFileMutlipart">
<message>Data added successfully</message>
<message>Successfully Added</message>