Fetch Single Record API
This API will fetch the record of leave from indexed using a Record ID
This API will fetch the record of Leave form indexed using a Record ID.
Request URL:
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Request Parameters:
recordId | Specifies the record Id of the leave record being fetched. The record Id can be identified using the fetch Records API. |
Response field details
Response field | Response | Explanation |
LeaveCount | 1 | One day leave |
.50 | Half day leave | |
.25 | Quarter day leave | |
01:00 | One hour leave | |
Session ( in .5 day leave) | 1 | First half of the day |
2 | Second half of the day | |
Session (.25 day leave) | 1 | First quarter of the day |
2 | Second quarter of the day | |
3 | Third quarter of the day | |
4 | Fourth quarter of the day | |
StartTime (in hour based leave) | Start time of the leave in HH:mm format | |
EndTime (in hour based leave) | End time of the leave in HH:mm format |
- Daydetails for day based leave includes the date, leaveCount and Session details of all the dates within the applied leave's date range.
- Daydetails for hour based leave includes the date, leaveCount, StartTime and EndTime of all the hours within the applied leave's date range.
Threshold Limit: 400 requests | Lock period: 5 minutes
Threshold Limit - Number of API calls allowed within a minute.
Lock Period - Wait time before consecutive API requests.
Sample Request
CopiedAuthorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Sample Response
Copied<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br>
<response uri="/api/forms/leave/getDataByID">
<message>Data fetched successfully</message>
<field name="Employee_ID">Karan John 1</field>
<DayDetails name="DayDetails">
<date name="07-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">0.5</detail>
<detail name="Session">1</detail>
<date name="04-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">1</detail>
<date name="06-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">0.25</detail>
<detail name="Session">1</detail>
<date name="08-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">0.5</detail>
<detail name="Session">1</detail>
<date name="09-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">0.5</detail>
<detail name="Session">2</detail>
<date name="05-Mar-2020">
<detail name="LeaveCount">0.5</detail>
<detail name="Session">1</detail>
<field name="Leavetype.ID">413124000000645719</field>
<field name="From">04-Mar-2020</field>
<field name="Unit">Day</field>
<field name="ApprovalStatus">Pending</field>
<field name="Reasonforleave">Vacation</field>
<field name="Daystaken">2.25</field>
<field name="TeamEmailID">teamemail@gmail.com</field>
<field name="Department">HR</field>
<field name="Leavetype">Annual leave</field>
<field name="To">09-Mar-2020</field>
<field name="Department.ID">413124000000117067</field>
<field name="Employee_ID.ID">413124007800117005</field>
<field name="DateOfRequest">14-Aug-2019</field>
"response": {
"result": [
"Employee_ID": "Karan John 1",
"DayDetails": {
"07-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "0.5",
"Session": 1
"04-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "1"
"06-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "0.25",
"Session": 1
"08-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "0.5",
"Session": 1
"09-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "0.5",
"Session": 2
"05-Mar-2020": {
"LeaveCount": "0.5",
"Session": 1
"Leavetype.ID": "413124000000645719",
"From": "04-Mar-2020",
"Unit": "Day",
"ApprovalStatus": "Pending",
"Reasonforleave": "Vacation",
"Daystaken": "2.25",
"TeamEmailID": "teamemail@gmail.com",
"Department": "HR",
"Leavetype": "Annual leave",
"To": "09-Mar-2020",
"Department.ID": "413124680000117005",
"Employee_ID.ID": "413124000780117005",
"DateOfRequest": "14-Aug-2019",
"message": "Data fetched successfully",
"uri": "/api/forms/leave/getDataByID",
"status": 0
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