Edit Job Schedule API
This API is used to edit job schedule.
Request URL:
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Possible Operation Types:
ALL - Complete access to data
DELETE - Only to delete data
Request parameter:
Parameter | Values Allowed | Default Value | Description |
*jobScheduleId | <jobScheduleId> | <Mandatory> | Specify the job schedule id whose details needs to be modified |
jobId | <jobId> | <Existing job id> | Specify the job id if the existing job needs to be modified |
date | <date in yyyy-MM-dd/company date format> | <Existing date> | Specify the schedule date if the existing needs to be modified |
fromtime | <fromtime in hh:mm a or HH:mm format> | <Existing from time> | Specify the from time if the existing needs to be modified |
totime | <totime in hh:mm a or HH:mm format> | <Existing to time> | Specify the to time if the existing needs to be modified |
description | <text> | <Exisiting description> | Specify the description if the existing needs to be modified |
isRepeat | <true|false> | false | Specify true to repeat this job schedule (if isRepeat is true, then isEditRepeat should not be set as the complete series will be created afresh) |
repeatInterval | <1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12> | <Mandatory if isRepeat is true> | Specify the interval for which the job schedule needs to be repeated |
repeatType | <daily|weekly|monthly> | <Mandatory if isRepeat is true> | Specify how often the job schedule should be repeated based on the repeat interval |
repeatUntil | <date in yyyy -MM-dd/company date format> | <Mandatory if isRepeat is true> | Specify the date until when the job schedule needs to be repeated |
isEditRepeat | <true|false> | false | Specify this key only when the job schedule in the repeat series has to be edited.
editRepeatType | < 1|2> | 1 | This will be considered only if isEditRepeat is true.
isPublish | < true|fasle> | false | Specify true if the job schedule needs to be published |
skipMaxLogHrsValidation | <true|false> | false | This key will be considered only if maximum log hours restriction is enabled in the settings. Specify true if the scheduled hours can exceed the maximum log hours configured in the settings |
Error Codes and Messages :
Error Code | Error Message |
9000 | Permission denied |
9002 | No <parameter_name> parameter specified |
9004 | Wrong value given for <parameter_name> parameter |
9012 | You cannot add/edit/publish/delete schedule of past dates. |
9013 | This action cannot be completed as it overlaps with another schedule. |
9014 | This action cannot be completed as it exceeds the maximum log hours allowed for this user.. |
9015 | This action cannot be completed as the user is not assigned to the job. |
Success Response Format
"response": {
"result": [
"jobScheduleId": <edited_job_schedule_id>
"message": " Data updated successfully",
"uri": "/api/timetracker/editJobSchedule",
"status": 0
Error Response Format
"response": {
"message": "Error in updating data",
"uri": "/api/timetracker/editJobSchedule",
"errors": [
"code": <Error Code>,
"message": <Error Message>
"status": 1
Threshold Limit: 20 requests | Lock period: 5 minutes
Threshold Limit - Number of API calls allowed within a minute.
Lock Period - Wait time before consecutive API requests.
Sample Request
description=perform the job schedule on scheduled time
CopiedAuthorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Sample Response
"response": {
"result": [
"jobScheduleId": "28000000201263"
"message": "Data updated successfully",
"uri": "/api/timetracker/editJobSchedule",
"status": 0
Copied<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response uri="/api/timetracker/editJobSchedule">
<message>Data updated successfully</message>