Leave Booked and Balance Report API
To get booked and balance count of the employees leave type wise.
Request URL:
Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Values Allowed | Default Value | Description |
from* | Date String | Current leave year from | Report start date of the current year |
to* | Data String | Current date | Report till date of the current year |
unit* | Day|Hour | Day | Unit of the report |
leavetype | JSONArray (maximum 30) | - | IDs of the leave type |
employee | JSONArray (maximum 30) | - | Erecno(s) of the users |
department | JSONArray (maximum 30) | - | IDs of the department |
employeeStatus | JSONArray (maximum 30) [ACTIVE_USERS, ACTIVE_EMPLOYEE_PROFILES,EX_EMPLOYEES, LOGIN_DISABLED] | [ACTIVE_USERS] | Status of an employee |
startIndex | Integer | 0 | from which index of the employee report has to be fetched |
limit | integer(0-30) | 30 | no of employee's report has to be fetched |
*mandatory parameter
Note 1: Maximum of 30 employee's reports can be fetched in single request.
Note 2: Only 30 API calls can be made in one minute.
Threshold Limit: 30 requests | Lock period: 2 minutes
Threshold Limit - Number of API calls allowed within a minute.
Lock Period - Wait time before consecutive API requests.
CopiedAuthorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxf
"leavetypes": {
"2857000015111005": {
"unit": "Day",
"name": "Leave with mothly encashment",
"type": "PAID"
"2857000000130001": {
"unit": "Day",
"name": "Absent",
"type": "ABSENT"
"2857000006079001": {
"unit": "Day",
"code": "203",
"name": "On Duty",
"type": "ON_DUTY"
"2857000015755091": {
"unit": "Day",
"name": "Unpaid leave",
"type": "UNPAID"
"report": {
"2857000000069940": {
"2857000015111005": {
"balance": 5.91
"2857000000130001": {
"booked": 204.5
"2857000006079001": {
"balance": 74
"2857000015755091": {
"balance": 0
"totals": {
"ondutyBooked": 0,
"unpaidBooked": 204.5,
"unpaidBalance": 0,
"paidBalance": 5.91,
"ondutyBalance": 74,
"paidBooked": 0
"employee": {
"name": "Zylker",
"id": "2"
"2857000000066007": {
"2857000015111005": {
"balance": 5.99
"2857000000130001": {
"booked": 129
"2857000006079001": {
"booked": 3,
"balance": 97
"2857000015755091": {
"booked": 1,
"balance": -1
"totals": {
"ondutyBooked": 3,
"unpaidBooked": 130,
"unpaidBalance": -1,
"paidBalance": 5.99,
"ondutyBalance": 97,
"paidBooked": 0
"employee": {
"name": "Keerthana",
"id": "1"
"employees": [
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