Status Codes

Status CodesMeaningDescription
200OKThe API request is successful.
201CREATEDRequest fulfilled for single record insertion.
202ACCEPTEDRequest fulfilled for multiple records insertion.
204NO CONTENTThere is no content available for the request.
304NOT MODIFIEDThe requested page has not been modified. In case "If-Modified-Since" header is used for GET APIs.
400BAD REQUESTThe request or the authentication considered is invalid.
401AUTHORIZATION ERRORInvalid API key provided.
403FORBIDDENNo permission to do the operation.
404NOT FOUNDInvalid request.
405METHOD NOT ALLOWEDThe specified method is not allowed.
413REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGEThe server did not accept the request while uploading a file since the limited file size has exceeded.
415UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPEThe server did not accept the request while uploading a file since the media/file type is not supported.
429TOO MANY REQUESTSThe number of API requests for the 24 hour period is exceeded or the concurrency limit of the user for the app is exceeded.
500INTERNAL SERVER ERRORGeneric error that is encountered due to an unexpected server error.