How Partner Commission fees are calculated:
Once the payment is completed using the Partner's card, the Partner Store automatically applies your discount. It charges the full price minus the discount, ensuring no fees are owed to you by Zoho. You only need to collect the full list price amount from your clients.
When the customer card is used, the Partner Store automatically applies the full price and the partner commission owed to you is saved in our database for later payment (Discounted amount from List price is what is owed). This commission amount is calculated based on the discounted amount from the list price. You can withdraw the commission from the Partner Store whenever it reaches the minimum payout threshold. You can read more about how to do the commission payout in this help page.
If a customer requests a refund for a purchase for which we've already paid you the commission, the store will subtract the refunded amount from your commission for the following month.
IMPORTANT: If the customer is paying through their card, you will be paid full commission only if you have mapped the customer within two months of moving to paid version from Free plan. If you have mapped the customer after two months, you will be paid only for the upgrades that is done from the date of mapping. For the renewal amount, commission will be paid only for the licenses that was purchased after the mapping date.