
The drop-down menu is a clear method of showing a list of data, allowing users to pick their choice from the list.

typeYesThe type of input to be displayed to the visitor


optionsYesAn array of options you would like to display

    "value": "0",
    "label": "Premium"
    "value": "1",
    "label": "Basic",
    "selected": true

Note: You can enter a maximum of 20 options in the array, 
and the character limit for each option is 30.
can pre-select them by adding selected true.

placeholderNoCustom text for option search placeholderSearch for a plan
multipleNoTo select multiple valuestrue
select_labelNoCustom text for the dropdown label, for multi-select dropdownPick your plan
min_selectionNoMinimum selection2
max_selectionNoMaximum selection4


Use Case:

  "platform": "ZOHOSALESIQ",
  "action": "reply",
  "replies": [
    "please select your plan"
  "input": {
    "type": "drop-down",
    "placeholder": "Choose the plan",
    "options": [
        "value": "0",
        "label": "Premium"
        "value": "1",
        "label": "Basic",
        "selected": true
        "value": "2",
        "label": "Enterprise"
    "select_label": "Select",
    "multiple": true,
    "min_selection": 1,
    "max_selection": 3