Best online form builder for startups

Launch your business without mountains of messy paperwork. Avoid endless spreadsheets and overflowing inboxes. Zoho Forms takes the chaos out of data collection, letting you focus on what truly matters: making your startup dream a reality.

Are you a startup founder?

Every investment you make matters in the early days of a startup, and data collection is an important priority for a business of any size. You need a cost-effective and user-friendly solution that helps you build your brand. Zoho Forms provides just that, so you can gather and manage data efficiently while supporting your startup’s growth.

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Why is Zoho Forms perfect for startups ?

Zoho Forms is more than just a form builder. It's a comprehensive solution designed to empower startups with efficient data collection and management. 

  • Drag, drop, and launch!
  • Get started fast with predesigned templates
  • Manage forms from anywhere
  • Offline capabilities
  • Smart forms
  • Secure payments
  • Automate the mundane

Your all-access pass to a powerful ecosystem

Integrate flawlessly with the Zoho ecosystem

  • Zoho CRM
  • Zoho Salesiq
  • Zoho Campaigns
  • Zoho Desk
  • Zoho Sheet
  • Zoho Writer

Integrate Zoho Forms with the third-party applications

  • salesforce
  • google sheets
  • google drive
  • microsoft office teams
  • zapier
  • microsoft excel

Security you can trust 

  • Data security with SSL
  • Protect privacy with GDPR-compliant forms
  • Secure sensitive information with encryption
  • Shield forms from abuse with reCAPTCHA

Forms for launching your startup

Business contact form

Capture basic information from potential customers who want to learn more about your product or service. Include fields for name, email address, and a message box for inquiries.

Explore Business contact form

Free trial sign-up form

Offer a free trial of your product or service and collect sign-ups with a streamlined form. Include fields for name, email address, and potentially a brief questionnaire to understand user needs.

Explore Business contact form

Customer testimonial form

Gauge overall customer happiness with a short testimonial form. Use a mix of multiple-choice questions, rating fields, and open-ended questions to gather detailed insights.

Explore Business contact form

Business contact form

Capture basic information from potential customers who want to learn more about your product or service. Include fields for name, email address, and a message box for inquiries.

Explore Business contact form

Free trial sign-up form

Offer a free trial of your product or service and collect sign-ups with a streamlined form. Include fields for name, email address, and potentially a brief questionnaire to understand user needs.

Explore Business contact form

Customer testimonial form

Gauge overall customer happiness with a short testimonial form. Use a mix of multiple-choice questions, rating fields, and open-ended questions to gather detailed insights.

Explore Business contact form