
Zylker University offers courses in Arts and Sciences and receives 800 to 1000 applications each year. The admissions team sends each applicant an email providing them with information about the course they have applied for and updates their admission status accordingly.

Requirement 1:

Send each applicant a course-specific email.

The admission team wants to send each applicant an email providing them with course-specific information. The head of the admission team wants to automate the process to speed the document completion work before distributing their acceptance letters.

Requirement 2:

Automate the process of informing students about accommodation.

Applicants who require accommodation have filled out a separate section in the admission form. However, some of the applicants later requested accommodation despite having checked the Not Required box on the initial admission form. The University wants to automate the process of informing the applicants about their accommodation options.

Solution 1

The institution decides to set up a Workflow Rule to automate the process of sending each applicant an email once, depending on their choice of course. The email includes information related to their course as a detailed calendar of the college activities.

Let's see how it is done:

  • 1. Navigate to Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  • 2. Select Create Rule in the Workflow Rules page.
  • 3. Fill in the following details:
    • Module: Applicants (Custom Module)
    • Rule Name: Send Course-Specific Emails
    • Description: Send applicants an email with the prospectus
  • 4. Enter the following:

    ConfigurationCondition ICondition II

    On a record action: Create

    When a new record is created in the Applicants module

    Which Leads to apply this rule to: Course Stream is Science

    Instant Action (I): Send email to applicants who have applied for a course in the Arts stream

    Instant Action (II): Tag them as Science Applicants

    Instant Action (III) Update their status to Course Email Sent

    Which Leads to apply this rule to: Lead Source: Course Stream is Arts

    Instant Action (I): Send email to applicants who have applied for a course in the Science stream

    Instant Action (II): Tag them as Arts Applicants

    Instant Action (III)Update their status to Course Email Sent

Solution 2

Create a workflow rule to send automatic emails to students based on their accommodation requirements and assignment. Once the rooms are assigned, send an SMS to the students notifying them of this.

Let's see how it is done:

  • 1. Navigate to Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
  • 2. Select Create Rule in the Workflow Rules page.
  • 3. Fill in the following details:
    • Module: Applicants
    • Rule Name: Accommodation
    • Description: Assignment Emails
  • 4. Enter the following:

    ConfigurationCondition ICondition II

    On a record action: Create

    When a new record is created and the Accommodation field = Required

    Edit:Existing record's Accommodation' field = Required

    (Repeat this workflow whenever an applicant is edited)

    Which Leads to apply this rule to: Accommodation is Required

    Instant Action: Send email notification To applicants about room tariffs and payment

    Which Leads to apply this rule to: Accommodation is Allotted

    Instant Action: Send email notification and SMS (Webhooks) about room assignment.

You have successfully configured workflow for the Education industry. This marks the end of the Workflow Tutorial.