- Multiple Sales Pipeline
- What you'll learn
- Overview
- Scenarios
Multiple Sales Pipeline for Banking Industry
Objective: Improve customer onboarding and internal collaboration by streamlining opening of personal and business accounts.
Scenario: The process involved in opening of personal account and business account are different and often cause confusion. To manage the process efficiently and quickly move the customer applications through the stages they need better management.
The process followed for the two application systems are:
Personal Account Opening | Business Account Opening |
Document verification | Document verification |
Verification completed | Approval for missing documents |
Account opening in progress | Legal team approval |
Generate account details and checkbook | Compliance approval |
Account opened | Finalize commercial terms |
Deliver account kit to customer | Account opening in progress |
Application closed | Notify customer |
Withdrawn/Rejected/Cancelled | Application process complete |
-- | Delayed or Deferred |
The sales team has a process of their own to track the application status and maintain a record of total number of accounts that were successfully opened. They also follow-up with the applicants for submission of pending documents and for the delayed applications.
The current method of tracking causes confusion due to:
- Misinterpretation of application status.
- Lack of visibility and thus no prior notification is sent to the approval teams.
- Delay in follow-ups on missing documents and deferred applications.
- Lack of tracking of bottleneck stages.
The overall lack of clarity causes delays in processing of the applications which result in customer dissatisfaction and increased occurrences of fallouts in the middle of the process.
Let's see how creating different pipelines for each account type can solve the problem.
Building separate pipelines for opening personal and business accounts makes it easier to:
- Monitor and track the progress of applications in individual processes.
- Identify the bottleneck stages and take measures to resolve issues.
- Automate team activities at each stage to speed up the process.
- Set workflows to send automatic notifications to customers and internal teams as each stage progresses.
Now that you understand the benefits of multiple pipelines, let us proceed with creation of multiple pipelines. Below are the pre-requisites to setup the CRM account.
- Pre-requisites
- Pipelines for different account types
Create custom fields in the Deals module
Add fields to store information like account number, upload documents, beneficiary details, etc.
Tip: If needed, you can rename some of the system-defined fields. You can also rename the deals module to suit your business terminology.
1. Under Setup > Customization > Modules > and click the Deals module to open the layout editor.
2. Drag and drop New section to the layout.
3. Drag and drop the following fields to the new section.
Field name | Field type | Specific properties |
Account holder name | Single line | Mandatory |
Documents | File upload field | Mandatory |
Account number | Integer | Encrypted field |
Company | Lookup field | Linked to the Accounts module |
Company address | Multi-line field | Mandatory |
Beneficiary details | Single line | Mandatory |
Correspondence address | Multi-line | Mandatory |
- Opening of Personal Account
- Opening of Business Account
The stages involved in the opening of personal account must be added to the Deals module.
- 1.Navigate to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields > Deals.
- 2.Click the More icon and select Stage Probability Mapping.
- 3.Click on the existing deal stage fields and edit their values.
You can click on the + icon to add new fields. - 5.Enter the probability value, forecast type, and forecast category for each stage as shown in the table below:
Deal Stage | Probability (%) | Forecast Type | Forecast Category |
Document verification | 90 | Open | Pipeline |
Verification completed | 90 | Open | Pipeline |
Account opening in progress | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Generate account details and checkbook | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Account opened | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Deliver account kit to customer | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Application closed | 100 | Closed Won | Closed |
Withdrawn/Rejected/Cancelled | 50 | Closed Lost | Omitted |
The stages involved in the opening of personal account must be added to the Deals module.
- 1.Navigate to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields > Deals.
- 2.Click the More icon and select Stage Probability Mapping.
- 3.Click on the existing deal stage fields and edit their values.
You can click on the + icon to add new fields. - 5.Enter the probability value, forecast type, and forecast category for each stage as shown in the table below:
Deal Stage | Probability (%) | Forecast Type | Forecast Category |
Document verification | 90 | Open | Pipeline |
Approval for missing documents | 90 | Open | Pipeline |
Account opening in progress | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Legal team approval | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Compliance approval | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Finalize commercial terms | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Account opening in progress | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Notify customer | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Application process complete | 95 | Closed Won | Closed |
Delayed or Deferred | 50 | Closed Lost | Omitted |
You have successfully built multiple sales pipeline for managing account opening process.