Organization API


To get the organization data.


Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52


Possible operation types

ALL - Full access to Organization data
READ - Get Organization data

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
    "org": [
            "country": null,
            "hierarchy_preferences": {
                "type": "Role_Hierarchy"
            "photo_id": null,
            "city": null,
            "description": null,
            "mc_status": false,
            "gapps_enabled": false,
            "lite_users_enabled": false,
            "domain_name": "org808232144",
            "translation_enabled": false,
            "street": null,
            "alias": null,
            "currency": "US Dollar - USD",
            "deletable_org_account": false,
            "id": "5725767000000020005",
            "state": null,
            "fax": null,
            "employee_count": "1",
            "zip": null,
            "website": null,
            "currency_symbol": "$",
            "mobile": null,
            "currency_locale": "USD",
            "primary_zuid": "808233918",
            "zia_portal_id": "814461734",
            "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "zgid": "808232144",
            "country_code": "US",
            "license_details": {
                "paid_expiry": "2025-04-11T17:00:00-07:00",
                "users_license_purchased": 10,
                "trial_type": null,
                "trial_expiry": null,
                "paid": true,
                "paid_type": "enterprise",
                "portal_users_license_purchased": 0
            "phone":  "1226652",
            "company_name": "zohoo",
            "privacy_settings": false,
            "primary_email": "",
            "hipaa_compliance_enabled": true,
            "iso_code": "USD"

Response JSON Keys

  • country, city, street, state, zipstring

    Represents the address of the organization.

  • photo_idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the organization photo file. Refer to upload files API for more details.

  • descriptionstring

    Represents the description about the organization, if any.

  • aliasstring

    Represents the alias name of the organization.

  • currencystring

    Represents the base/home currency details of the organization.

  • deletable_org_accountboolean

    Represents if the account related to this organization is deletable.

  • idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the organization.

  • fax, mobile, primary_email, phonestring

    Represents the contact details of the organization.

  • employee_countstring

    Represents the number of employees in the organization.

  • websitestring

    Represents the website of the organization.

  • currency_symbolstring

    Represents the symbol of the base/home currency specified for the organization. For instance, '₹'.

  • currency_localestring

    Represents the locale of the base/home currency specified for the organization. For instance, 'en_IN'.

  • primary_zuidstring

    Represents ZUID of the organization. This is the ID visible in the profile details in Zoho CRM UI.

  • zia_portal_idstring

    Represents Zia portal ID of the organization, if configured.

  • time_zonestring

    Represents the timezone of the organization.

  • zgidstring

    Represents the unique ZGID of the organization.

  • country_codestring

    Represents the unique code of the country that the organization belongs to. For instance, 'IN'.

  • license_detailsJSON object

    Represents the license details of the organization.

  • company_namestring

    Represents the name of the company in the organization.

  • iso_codestring

    Represents the ISO code of the base/home currency of the organization.

  • privacy_settingsboolean

    Represents if the privacy settings are enabled for the organization.
    Possible values - true: Privacy settings are enabled for the organization.
    false: Privacy settings are disabled for the organization.

  • mc_statusboolean

    Represents if the multi-currency is enabled for the organization.
    Possible values - true: The multi-currency feature is enabled for the organization.
    false: The multi-currency feature is disabled for the organization.

  • gapps_enabledboolean

    Represents if the Google Apps Integration is enabled for the organization.
    Possible values - true: The Google Apps Integration is enabled for the organization.
    false: The Google Apps Integration is disabled for the organization.

  • domain_namestring

    Represents the domain name of the organization. For instance, org694902300.

  • translation_enabledboolean

    Represents if translation is enabled for the organization.
    Possible values - true: Translation is enabled for the organization.
    false: Translation is disabled for the organization.

  • hipaa_compliance_enabledboolean

    Represents if HIPAA compliance is enabled for the organization.
    Possible values - true: HIPAA Compliance is enabled for the organization.
    false: HIPAA Compliance is disabled for the organization.

Possible Errors


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to request URL section above.


    Resolution: Client does not have scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to scope section above.


    Permission denied to read
    Resolution: The user does not have permission to read records. Contact your system administrator.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    User does not have sufficient privilege to read organization data
    Resolution: The user does not have the permission to retrieve organization data. Contact your system administrator.

Sample Response

    "org": [
            "country": null,
            "hierarchy_preferences": {
                "type": "Role_Hierarchy"
            "photo_id": null,
            "city": null,
            "description": null,
            "mc_status": false,
            "gapps_enabled": false,
            "lite_users_enabled": false,
            "domain_name": "org808232144",
            "translation_enabled": false,
            "street": null,
            "alias": null,
            "currency": "US Dollar - USD",
            "deletable_org_account": false,
            "id": "5725767000000020005",
            "state": null,
            "fax": null,
            "employee_count": "1",
            "zip": null,
            "website": null,
            "currency_symbol": "$",
            "mobile": null,
            "currency_locale": "USD",
            "primary_zuid": "808233918",
            "zia_portal_id": "814461734",
            "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "zgid": "808232144",
            "country_code": "US",
            "license_details": {
                "paid_expiry": "2025-04-11T17:00:00-07:00",
                "users_license_purchased": 10,
                "trial_type": null,
                "trial_expiry": null,
                "paid": true,
                "paid_type": "enterprise",
                "portal_users_license_purchased": 0
          "phone": "1226652",
            "company_name": "zohoo",
            "privacy_settings": false,
            "primary_email": "",
            "hipaa_compliance_enabled": true,
            "iso_code": "USD"