Tracking settings
Understand the different tracking states offered by Apptics
Usage tracking
Usage tracking generally refers to tracking the Events, APIs, Screens, Sessions, and the events and impressions from modules like In-app Ratings, In-app Updates, and Remote Configuration.
Crash tracking
Crash tracking is self-explanatory and refers to the tracking of undhandled and handled exceptions.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
The term PII is used to denote the value you set using the AppticsUser endpoint. Read more about the AppticsUser endpoint here.
Changing tracking state
Use the Apptics' settings to monitor three parameters, i.e., in-app usage stats, crash reporting, and enabling user id.
The three mentioned parameters can be managed either:
- Using the SET and GET method
- Using the settings control that will manage all the values.
In-app usage
Use the below and set the value to true to track the in-app usage. If the value is set to false, the in-app usage won't be tracked.
For UWP apps
For WinUI apps
Copied WinUIAppticsAnalytics.Tracker.SetAnalaticsTracking(true);
Crash tracking
Use the below and set the value to true to report a crash. If the value is set to false, the crashes won't be reported.
For UWP apps
For WinUI apps
Include user id
Use the below and set the value to true to report a crash. If the value is set to false, the user id won't be enabled.
If the user id is enabled, it will be included in the crash reports else the crashes will be reported anonymously.
For UWP apps
For WinUI apps
Settings control
Follow the below steps to manage and monitor the three parameters, i.e., in-app usage, crash reports, and enabling user id.
For UWP apps
- Include the namespace xmlns:apptics="using:AppticsUwpUIComponents.SettingsControl" in the XAML page.
- Include the below to plug-in the settings control in your application.
For WinUI apps
- Include the namespace xmlns:apptics="using.WinUIAppticsUIComponents.SettingsControl" in the XAML page.
- Include the below to plug-in the settings control in your application.