Sessions in Android apps
A session is a single period of user interaction with your app. For example, when a user opens the app for the first time and when the app goes to the background, that is considered as a session.
Session tracking is a part of the analytics SDK which is used to measure active devices and the average time a user uses the app.
Add the SDK to your app
- Before your begin, make sure that Apptics is integrated into your project by following the Integration Guide.
- Declaring analytics dependency using Apptics BoM.
Copieddependencies {
// ...
// Apptics BoM, latest version is mentioned in the integration guide.
implementation platform('com.zoho.apptics:apptics-bom:[latest-version]')
// Since BoM version is specified, no need to explicitly specify the dependency version.
implementation 'com.zoho.apptics:apptics-analytics'
- If you do not use Apptics BoM you can directly declare the analytics dependency with its version.
Copieddependencies {
// Have to explicitly mention the version, if you are not using BoM.
// latest version is mentioned in the integration guide.
implementation 'com.zoho.apptics:apptics-analytics:[latest-version]'
Note: It is recommend to use Apptics BoM to avoid unnecessary compatibility issues.
- Initialize analytics in Application onCreate() method.
Automatic session tracking
App session is tracked automatically on initializing the AppticsAnalytics class.
You can opt-out from automatically tracking the sessions by setting the automaticSessionTrackingStatus in the init method.
Make sure to disable automaticSessionsTracking before initializing Apptics.
CopiedAppticsAnalytics.automaticSessionsTrackingStatus = false