Tracking settings
Understand the different tracking states offered by Apptics
Usage tracking
Usage tracking generally refers to tracking the Events, APIs, Screens, Sessions, and the events and impressions from modules like In-app Ratings, In-app Updates, and Remote Configuration.
Crash tracking
Crash tracking is self-explanatory and refers to the tracking of undhandled and handled exceptions.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
The term PII is used to denote the value you set using the AppticsUser endpoint. Read more about the AppticsUser endpoint here.
Tracking states
Apptics offers six tracking states as mentioned below. These states are enum values of type AppticsTrackingState.
Tracking states |
Note: The default tracking state is USAGE_AND_CRASH_TRACKING_WITHOUT_PII, i.e., both usage and crash data will be tracked by default without including the PII (user id). This state is irrespective of whether the user id is set or not to Apptics using AppticsUser endpoint.
Changing tracking state
Use the below method with the desired AppticsTrackingState enum as a param to change the tracking state in runtime.
CopiedAppticsSettings.setTrackingStatus(trackingState: AppticsTrackingState)
Get current tracking state
The current state enum can be fetched using the below snippet.