dSYM plugin for Cocoa apps
This plugin allows uploading the dSYM files automatically even for the bitcode-enabled apps.
- Setup the Xcode CLT using the xcode-select --install.
- To install Fastlane on your Mac, follow the steps below.
- Open the terminal on your Mac.
- Navigate to the project folder.
You can install Fastlane using Ruby Gems.
System Ruby and Ruby Gems (macOS/Linux/Windows) or Homebrew (macOS)
- Install the Fastlane using sudo gem install fastlane -NV.
- To confirm the Fastlane installation, use the fastlane -v command.
- Go to the project's directory and run sudo fastlane init to create a gemfile and Fastlane directory in the project.
- You can now create custom lanes in your Fastlane. For more information, please visit https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/ .
Homebrew (macOS)
- Using homebrew will install the correct Ruby version needed for Fastlane. For more information, please visit https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/fastlane .
Copiedbrew install fastlane
Getting started
- Run the below command to get started with the fastlane-plugin-Apptics.
Copiedsudo fastlane add_plugin apptics
- To download a specific gem, mention the version and run the below command.
Copiedgem install fastlane-plugin-apptics
Copiedgem install fastlane-plugin-apptics -v 1.0.0
Download dSYM using Fastlane
- To download the dSYM files from App Store Connect for bitcode-enabled apps, use the below command.
Copieddownload_dsyms(app_identifier:"" ,version:"", build_number:"")
- app_identifier - The app bundle identifier for the dSYMs that you want to download.
- build_number - The app build_number for the dSYMs that you want to download.
- version - The app version for the dSYMs that you want to download.
The following environment variables maybe used in place of parameters:
app_identifier: com.zoho.apptics
build_number: 2.3
version: 2.7
download_dsyms(app_identifier: "com.zoho.apptics",version: "2.7",build_number: "2.3 ")
Upload dSYM files to Apptics
Use the below to upload the dSYM files to Apptics.
Copiedupload_dsym_to_apptics(appversion:"",bundleid:"", dsymfilepath: "",modevalue:"", platformvalue:"" ,configfilepath:"",buildversion:"")
- appversion - The app version for the dSYMs that you want to download.
- bundleid - The bundle id for the dSYMs that you want to upload.
- dsymfilepath - Path to the dSYM file or zip to upload.
- modevalue - development or release (0 or 1).
- platformvalue - The app platform for the dSYMs that you want to upload (iOS, macOS…).
- configfilepath - Path to the Config file (<PROJECT_PATH>/apptics-config.plist ).
- Use this action to delete files created as a result of running download_dsyms.
Lane Setup:
Add the below to the Fastlane/Fastfile.
platform :ios do
desc "Download and upload dSYM files to apptics"
lane :custom_lane do |options|
download_dsyms(app_identifier: "com.zoho.apptics",version: "2.7.1",build_number: "2.3")
upload_dsym_to_apptics(appversion:"2.7.1",bundleid:"com.zoho.apptics", dsymfilepath: "com.zoho.apptics-2.7.1-2.0.534.dSYM.zip",modevalue:"1", platformvalue:"iOS" ,configfilepath:"/Documents/apptics-config.plist",buildversion:"2.0.4")
Try running the lane in the CLT using fastlane custom_lane or fastlane lane_name.
Lane Setup Using CLT:
Add the below to the Fastlane/Fastfile.
platform :ios do
desc "Description of what the lane does"
lane :custom_lane do |options|
bundleid = options[:bundleid]
version = options[:version]
buildnumber = options[:buildnumber]
configpath = options[:configpath]
mode = options[:mode]
platform = options[:platform]
download_dsyms(app_identifier: bundleid,version: version,build_number: buildnumber)
upload_dsym_to_apptics(appversion:version,bundleid:"#{bundleid}", dsymfilepath: "#{bundleid}-#{version}-#{buildnumber}.dSYM.zip",modevalue:mode, platformvalue:platform ,configfilepath:"#{configpath}",buildversion:buildnumber)
Try running the lane in the CLT using the below.
Copiedfastlane custom_lane bundleid:com.zoho.apptics version:2.7 buildnumber:2.5 configpath:<PROJECT_PATH>/apptics-config.plist mode:1 platform:iOS