App Extensions

Add SDK to app extension target

    pod 'AppticsExtension'


Copiedimport AppticsExtension
Copiedimport <AppticsExtension/AppticsExtension-swift.h>

Track event

CopiedAppticsExtensionManager.trackEvent(groupname: <#T##String#>, eventName: <#T##String#>, property: <#T##[String : Any]#>, appGroup : <#T##String#>)
Copied[AppticsExtensionManager trackEventWithPropertyWithGroupname:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#> eventName:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#> appGroup:<#(NSString * _Nonnull)#>]

Required params

  • GroupName: Use the group name that is already registered in the Apptics console.

  • EventName: Use the event name from the group in which you registered the event.

Note: An app group is a dedicated group you need to create for Apptics and your app. Your main app will access the event data and send it to the server using the app group that you pass via run script during the build phase of your main app.

Note:If you use the same file for multiple targets, make sure you set target check for importing AppticsExtension.