Tracking settings
You can customize Apptics' SDK behavior by using AppticsConfig class. It should be done before initializing Apptics. Equivalent set methods are made available in Apptics and for other modules classes too.
Developer settings
- To choose the type of tracking you want to use for your application. There are two types of tracking.
- Pseudoanonymouse - allows anonymous tracking in the app.
- None - only non-anonymous tracking is supported.
- Make sure that the AppticsFeedbackKit is installed in your project. You can control whether the FeedbackKit is enabled on app launch. The default setting for the FeedbackKit is false.
Shake-to-feedback tolerance
- You can set the maximum tolerance for the shake-to-feedback feature. This will decide the maximum attempts allowed before disabling the shake-to-feedback option in the action sheet.
Remote Config
- Use the below method to enable/disable the remote config module. If the remote config is enabled, the data will be fetched from the server on app launch. Ensure that the AppticsRemoteConfigure framework is installed. The default setting for remote config is false.
RateUs Module
- Use the below method to enable/disable the RateUs module. If the RateUs module is enabled, the data will be fetched from the server on app launch. Make sure that the AppticsRateUs framework is installed. The default setting for RateUs module is false.
Send data on mobile network
- You can control whether to send the data over the mobile network (usually considered weaker). The default setting for sending data on the mobile network is false.
Tracking by default
- Use the below method to enable or disable anonymous tracking before you ask for user consent. The default setting is true.
Automatic session tracking
- Use the below method to enable or disable automatic session tracking. The default setting is true.
Automatic event tracking
- Use the below method to enable or disable the predefined event tracking without any additional code. The default setting is false.
Automatic screen tracking
- Use the below method to enable or disable the automatic screen tracking. The default setting is true.
Automatic crash tracking
- Use the below method to enable or disable automatic crash tracking. The default setting is true.
Default language
- You can set the default language for all the Apptics screens. The default language will be the system language.
Sessions and data handling
Minimum session duration
Use the below method to set the minimum session duration in seconds before it is considered a valid session. In the below method, X is a value from 1 to 10.
CopiedAppticsConfig.default.minSessionDuration = APMinSessionDurationX;
Maximum session timeout
- Use the below method to set the maximum session timeout in seconds. After the timeout, a new session is created. In the below method, X is a value from 15 to 60.
CopiedAppticsConfig.default.maxSessionTimeout = APMaxSessionTimeoutX;
Flush interval
- Use the below method to set the flush interval in seconds for sending the data to Apptics server. In the below method, X is a value from 0 (no interval) to 60.
CopiedAppticsConfig.default.flushInterval = APFlushIntervalX;