Migration to Android 0.2.3
If you are using the 0.1 SDK series, please check the 0.2 migration guide.
We have done major changes from SDK 0.2.3 for events tracking.
Once you start using SDK 0.2.3 and above, you will no longer have to configure events in Apptics web console.
The existing ZAEvents file will no longer work from SDK 0.2.3 and above.
From SDK 0.2.3 and above, you can add the events directly from the SDK. You must follow the instructions mentioned in the events guide.
Plugin changes
- You must update the plugin to 0.1.2.
- Remove the gradle extenstion fields related to events such as supportEventAsStrings, generateEnumCompatStrings, and so on.
Changes to event logging
- You must follow the steps mentioned in the events guide.
- Initializing AppticsEventIdMapping is no longer required. You should remove the initialization steps.
- ZAEvents class will not be generated. This will break the generated code base.
To further simplify and smoothen the migration to SDK 0.2.3, we have built a tool to generate ZAEvent class on-demand that is compatible with 0.2.3.
After applying the apptics-plugin 0.1.2, run the below command to generate the ZAEvent class.
The generated ZAEvent class will be available in your app's src/main/com/zoho/apptics/analytics folder structure. You can then add and commit to your git repo.
Copiedgradlew appticsDebugGenerateEnumCompat