Windows integration


  • UWP apps
  • Make sure that your UWP app targets version is not less than, Windows 10 Build 16299 (Fall Creators Update, version 1709)

Add the SDK to your app

  • Before you can add Zoho Apptics to your UWP app, you need to create a Project and add your app.
  • Download the apptics-config.json, and add it to your root project.
  • Change the build action property of JSON file into an embedded resource.
  • Right-click on the apptics-config.json file and select Properties.
  • Change the build action to an embedded Resource.

  • Add a class file named "AppticsInterface.cs" in the project root.

  • Download the Apptics windows library from this link, you will get a zip file. Extract the files.
  • Add reference to "AppticsUwpBase.dll" , "AppticsWindowsBase.dll",and "AppticsAnalytics.dll" .
  • Add more references like "AppticsAppUpdate.dll", if you want to use the In-AppUpdate feature.
  • Add following packages from NuGet.
    • "System.Json" 4.4 or latest
    • "JWT" 8.2.3 or latest
  • Build the project, then go for the next step to add a build event.

Post Build event to complete integration

  • Copy the "AppticsCommand.exe" file to any folder as per your wish (I am referring here "C:\TempReferences" ), here "TempReferences" is a folder in "C"  drive. This can be in any folder on your computer.
  • Open the project properties > Build Events > Post build event > add the following command.
  • "C:\TempReferences\AppticsCommand $(ProjectDir) $(ProjectPath) $(TargetDir)"
  • Build your project.
  • After a successful build, apptics-config.json, and AppticsInterface.cs should be updated with the latest values from the server. This indicates that your project is almost ready.

Integrate Apptics with your code

  • Open your app App.xaml.cs file and go to OnLaunched event (create if not), and add the following line of code, below your frame register.
CopiedAppticsUwpBase.Initializer.Instance.Init(this, (int)AppticsMode.Development, AnonymityType.PseudoAnonymous, true);


  • application: The UWP application instance
  • mode: Supported modes i.e. 0 - Development, 1 - Production, and 2 - Testing
  • anonymity type: None - Will only track with the user identity; Pseudoanonymous - Will be tracked with or without user identity
  • defaultTrackingState: True - To track before getting user consent; False - To track after getting user consent

Sample code snippet: