Update Datasource Connection
Update connection details for the specified datasource.
Putoauthscope: ZohoAnalytics.metadata.update
Description | |
CONFIG* | JSONObject Config parameter specifications are available in the below section. |
Key | Description |
serviceName* | String Name of the cloud service. Allowed Values:
databaseType | String Type of the database. Allowed Values:
hostName* | String
port | Integer Database port number. |
userName* | String Service provider login username. |
password | String Service provider login password. |
cloudDatabaseName | String Specify the database name as in the cloud service. |
instanceName | String For SQLSERVER datatype - provide the instance name on which your database is present. If not specified, then default instance will be taken to establish connection. |
s3OutputLocation | String For AMAZON ATHENA service - provide the Amazon s3 location path where you want to store the query results. This path should be prefixed bt s3:// . |
warehouseName | String For SNOWFLAKE service - provide the warehousename value on which your snowflake database instance is present. Make sure that the provided warehouse is active and the given user has permission to access the database. |
sId | String For ORACLE service - provide the oracle service name value. |
projectId | String For GOOGLE BIG QUERY service - provide the project id of your BigQuery project. This can be obtained from the dashboard of your Google Cloud console. |
refreshToken | String For GOOGLE BIG QUERY service - provide the refresh token value. |
accessToken | String For GOOGLE BIG QUERY service - provide the access token value. |
useSSL | Boolean Set true if your database server set up to serve encrypted data through SSL. Default false . |
7103, 7301, 8083, 8504, 8518, 8535, 18011, 18040, 18041, 18042, 18043, 18044, 18056, 18060, 18061
Sample Request:
Copiedcurl https://analyticsapi.zoho.com/restapi/v2/workspaces/<workspace-id>/datasources/<datasoure-id>?CONFIG=<encoded_json_value>
-X 'PUT'
-H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken <access_token>'
Copiedusing System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ZohoAnalytics;
namespace ZohoAnalyticsTest
class Program
long orgId = 67648404;
long workspaceId = 1148746000002449012;
public void UpdateDatasourceConnection(IAnalyticsClient ac)
long datasourceId = 1148746000002545001;
Dictionary<string, object> config = new Dictionary<string, object>();
config.Add("serviceName", "AMAZON RDS");
config.Add("databaseType", "POSTGRESQL");
config.Add("hostName", "******");
config.Add("port", "5432");
config.Add("userName", "******");
config.Add("password", "******");
config.Add("cloudDatabaseName", "sampledb");
IWorkspaceAPI workspace = ac.GetWorkspaceInstance(orgId, workspaceId);
workspace.UpdateDatasourceConnection(datasourceId, config);
static void Main(string[] args)
string clientId = "";
string clientSecret = "";
string refreshToken = "";
IAnalyticsClient ac = new AnalyticsClient(clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken);
Program obj = new Program();
catch (ServerException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Server exception - " + ex.GetErrorMessage());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Other exception - " + ex.Message);
Copiedpackage main
import (
ZAnalytics "zoho/pkg/analyticsclient"
clientId = "1000.xxxxxxx"
clientSecret = "xxxxxxx"
refreshToken = "1000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx"
orgId = "55522777"
workspaceId = "35130000001055707"
func UpdateDatasourceConnection(ac ZAnalytics.Client) {
datasourceid:= "1767024000003890005"
config := map[string]interface{}{}
config["serviceName"] = "AMAZON RDS"
config["databaseType"] = "MYSQL"
config["hostName"] = "******"
config["port"] = "3306"
config["userName"] = "******"
config["password"] = "*****"
config["cloudDatabaseName"] = "sampledb"
workspace := ZAnalytics.GetWorkspaceInstance(&ac, orgId, workspaceId)
exception := workspace.UpdateDatasourceConnection(datasourceid, config)
if(exception != nil){
func main() {
ac := ZAnalytics.GetAnalyticsClient(clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken)
Copiedimport com.zoho.analytics.client.*;
import org.json.*;
public class Test {
private long orgId = 55522777l;
private long workspaceId = 35130000001055707l;
public static void main(String args[]){
String clientId = "1000.xxxxxxx";
String clientSecret = "xxxxxxx";
String refreshToken = "1000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx";
Test tObj = new Test();
AnalyticsClient ac = new AnalyticsClient(clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken);
try {
catch (ServerException ex) {
System.out.println("Server exception - ErrorCode : " + ex.getErrorCode() + ", ErrorMessage : " + ex.getErrorMessage());
catch (ParseException ex) {
System.out.println("Parser exception - ErrorMessage : " + ex.getResponseMessage());
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Other exception - ");
public void updateDatasourceConnection(AnalyticsClient ac) throws Exception {
long datasourceId = 0l;
JSONObject config = new JSONObject();
config.put("serviceName", "AMAZON RDS");
config.put("databaseType", "POSTGRESQL");
config.put("hostName", "******");
config.put("port", "5432");
config.put("userName", "******");
config.put("password", "******");
config.put("cloudDatabaseName", "sampledb");
WorkspaceAPI workspace = ac.getWorkspaceInstance(orgId, workspaceId);
workspace.updateDatasourceConnection(datasourceId, config);
require 'AnalyticsClient.php';
class Test
public $ac = NULL;
public $client_id = "1000.xxxxxxx";
public $client_secret = "xxxxxxx";
public $refresh_token = "1000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx";
public $org_id = "55522777";
public $workspace_id = "35130000001055707";
function __construct() {
$this->ac = new AnalyticsClient($this->client_id, $this->client_secret, $this->refresh_token);
function updateDatasourceConnection() {
$datasource_id = "1767024000003890005";
$config = array();
$config["serviceName"] = "AMAZON RDS";
$config["databaseType"] = "MYSQL";
$config["hostName"] = "******";
$config["port"] = "3306";
$config["userName"] = "******";
$config["password"] = "******";
$config["cloudDatabaseName"] = "sampledb";
$workspace = $this->ac->getWorkspaceInstance($this->org_id, $this->workspace_id);
$workspace->updateDatasourceConnection($datasource_id, $config);
echo "success\n";
$test_obj = new Test();
try {
catch(ServerException $se) {
echo "Server exception : " . $se->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
catch(IOException $ioe) {
echo "IO exception : " . $ioe->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
catch(ParseException $pe) {
echo "Parser exception : " . $pe->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
catch(Exception $e) {
echo "Exception : " . $e->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
Copiedfrom __future__ import with_statement
from AnalyticsClient import AnalyticsClient
import sys
import json
class Config:
CLIENTID = "1000.xxxxxxx";
CLIENTSECRET = "xxxxxxx";
REFRESHTOKEN = "1000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx";
ORGID = "55522777";
WORKSPACEID = "35130000001055707";
class sample:
ac = AnalyticsClient(Config.CLIENTID, Config.CLIENTSECRET, Config.REFRESHTOKEN)
def update_datasource_connection(self, ac):
datasource_id = "1767024000003890005"
config = {}
config["serviceName"] = "AMAZON RDS"
config["databaseType"] = "POSTGRESQL"
config["hostName"] = "******"
config["port"] = "5432"
config["userName"] = "******"
config["password"] = "******"
config["cloudDatabaseName"] = "sampledb"
workspace = ac.get_workspace_instance(Config.ORGID, Config.WORKSPACEID)
workspace.update_datasource_connection(datasource_id, config)
obj = sample()
except Exception as e:
Copiedvar nodelib = require('./ZAnalyticsClient');
var clientId = '1000.xxxxxxx';
var clientSecret = 'xxxxxxx';
var refreshtoken = '1000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx';
var orgId = '55522777';
var workspaceId = '35130000001055707';
var datasoureId = '';
var config = {};
config["serviceName"] = "AMAZON RDS";
config["databaseType"] = "POSTGRESQL";
config["hostName"] = "******";
config["port"] = "5432";
config["userName"] = "******";
config["password"] = "******";
config["cloudDatabaseName"] = "sampledb";
var ac = new analyticsClient(clientId, clientSecret, refreshtoken);
var workspace = ac.getWorkspaceInstance(orgId, workspaceId);
workspace.updateDatasourceConnection(datasoureId, config).catch((error) => {
console.log('errorCode : '+error.errorCode);
console.log('errorMessage : '+error.errorMessage);
CopiedorgId = "55522777";
workspaceId = "35130000001055707";
datasoureId = "";
headersMap = Map();
config = Map();
config.put("serviceName", "AMAZON RDS");
config.put("databaseType", "POSTGRESQL");
config.put("hostName", "******");
config.put("port", "5432");
config.put("userName", "******");
config.put("password", "******");
config.put("cloudDatabaseName", "sampledb");
parameters = "CONFIG=" + zoho.encryption.urlEncode(config.toString());
response = invokeurl
url :"https://analyticsapi.zoho.com/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + workspaceId + "/datasources/" + datasoureId + "?" + parameters
type :PUT
info response;
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Sample value for CONFIG parameter:
"serviceName":"AMAZON RDS",
Sample Response:
CopiedHTTP/1.1 204 No Content