Error codes in Modeling API

This section lists all possible error codes that could be sent from the Zoho Analytics server on failure of Modeling APIs. You can use this for appropriate error handling.


7101Workspace with the same name exists already.Provide an alternate name.
7103The workspace id mentioned in the API does not exist.Provide the valid workspace id.
7104View is not present in the workspace.Check the view id provided and provide a valid view id.
7105The view id mentioned in the API URL does not exist.Check the view id in the request URL and provide a valid view id.
7107The column is not present in the specified table.Provide a valid column id.
7111A Table with the name already exists in the Workspace.Provide an alternate name.
7128The column with the same name is already exists in the table.Provide an alternate name.
7138The view id mentioned in the API URL does not exist.Check the view id in the request URL and provide a valid view id.
7144Mentioned folder is not present in the Workspace.Check if the mentioned folder is available.
7159The column to be deleted is used in Reports, Formula Columns, Query Tables, etc.The column with dependent views cannot be deleted. Please delete the dependent views and formula columns associated with this column before calling the delete column API.
7161The specified table in this API is a system table (created for Service Integration).Adding columns into system table is not allowed. You could only add columns in a non-system table using this API.
7165The Workspace specified is a system Workspace (dedicated Workspace created for other Zoho Service integrations) which cannot be deleted.The system Workspace cannot be deleted.
7277The specified view holds dependent views.Set deleteDependentViews as true to delete the dependent views.
7812The schedule id mentioned in the API does not exist.Provide a valid email schedule id.
8000Schedule with the same name already exist in this workspace.Provide an alternate name.
8023You do not have required permission to perform this operation.Kindly contact our support team.
8024Copy Workspace operation not allowed.Check the Workspace key provided in the API request.
8025Invalid custom domain.Provide a valid domain name.
8504The required parameter is not proper or has not been sent.Send the parameter with valid data.
8506The mentioned parameter has been sent more than the required count.Check and remove that extra parameter mentioned in the response.
8516Invalid value passed in the mentioned parameter.Provide the valid data to the mentioned parameter.
8518Invalid authentication.Provide a valid OAuth token for API authentication.
8534Invalid JSON data.Provide a valid JSON data.
8535Invalid oauthtoken.Provide a valid OAuth token.
15000A table which is needed to copy the specified report is missing in the destination workspace.Check the destination workspace and create the missing tables.
15001A column which is needed to copy the specified report is missing in the destination workspace.Check the destination workspace and create the column before copying the report.
15002A formula column which is needed to copy the specified report is missing in the destination workspace.Check the destination workspace and create the formula column before copying the report.
15005The report name specified already exists in the destination workspace.Check whether the report with the same name exists in the destination workspace. Try renaming the source report or the report in destination workspace and invoke the API again.
15007Insufficient privileges to copy the report.Check whether the copy workspace Key is valid.
15009The formula column name specified already exists in the destination workspace.Check whether the formula column is already copied, otherwise, try renaming the formula column in the source table or in the destination workspace and invoke the API again.
15010The Formula Column name specified in the API request is not present in the source table.Check the formula column name(s) specified in the request.
15012The reports specified in the API request is not present in the source workspace.Check the reports specified in the request are correct and are available.
15018The table to be copied have more than two hundred thousand rows.Set copyHugeData as true.
70323Variable with the same name exists already.Provide an alternate name.
70329The variable id mentioned in the API does not exist.Provide a valid variable id.

In case of any error other than the above said, mail the API request URL parameters and error response details to Zoho Analytics Team will get back to you with the best possible solution.

Sample Error:

CopiedHTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

    "status": "failure",
    "summary": "META_DBNAME_DUPLICATE",
    "data": {
        "errorCode": 7101,
        "errorMessage": "Workspace with the same name exists already. Provide an alternate name"