Unify your marketing: Live chat & email integration

Power up your marketing with live chat lead capture. Seamlessly add website visitors to targeted email lists and nurture them with automated campaigns.

Try Zoho Salesiq now

Benefits of Zoho SalesIQ Email marketing integration


Personalized website visitor engagement

Our platform bridges the gap between your email campaigns and website activity, allowing you to engage with visitors in real-time.


Targeted email lists from visitor actions

Prioritize website visitors with lead scoring to ensure your most engaged prospects receive the most relevant messages.


Actionable analytics = Enhanced email campaigns

Track performance by visitor type (new vs. returning), measure contact rates, and see how your campaigns resonate across the board.

Zoho SalesIQ - the best live chat for email marketing integrations

Real-time campaign monitoring

Gain visibility into your campaigns in real time. Track website visitors, monitor their page navigation, and identify which campaign drove traffic to your site. No more operating in the dark after sending out a campaign.

Real-time campaign monitoring
Newsletter subscription box

Streamline your website by integrating a newsletter subscription with the live chat widget. Offer visitors the option to subscribe to your newsletter while engaging in live chat. Additionally, automatically capture email addresses and add them to a specific email list.

Real-time campaign monitoring
Email list scheduling

Effortlessly schedule the delivery of prospect lists directly to your inbox following an email campaign. Schedule lists based on various criteria, including campaign name or time spent on your pricing page. Take control of your email list management.

Real-time campaign monitoring
Customer engagement automation

Leverage campaign insights to automate customer engagement using intelligent triggers. Create customized chat messages that are automatically sent to visitors from specific campaigns. Enhance visitor interaction and drive meaningful conversations.

Real-time campaign monitoring
Lead scoring

Prioritize your website visitors based on lead scores. Utilize actions and insights from your campaigns to assign lead scores to prospects, enabling you to identify the most promising leads. Easily export lead score data for further analysis and management.

Real-time campaign monitoring
the best live chat for email marketing integrations
  • Newsletter subscription box
  • Newsletter subscription box
  • Email list scheduling
  • Customer engagement automation
  • Lead scoring

Integrate email marketing software with Zoho SalesIQ

Integrating SalesIQ with your campaign software is child’s play. Simply follow our thorough, step-by-step guide to get you up and running.

Learn More




  • Mailchimp


    Campaign Monitor


    Vertical Respons






    Active Campaign




    Campaign Master

Try out email marketing integrations with live chat now!

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