Skip irrelevant information with conditional logic

Show respondents only what you need from them and make form-filling a quick and customized experience with the help of conditional logic in Zoho Forms. Using field rules, display only relevant questions to your respondents based on answers they've provided in the preceding fields while automatically hiding fields that may be irrelevant to them.

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Show the fields that matter

Pay attention to minute details and make your form even more responsive to every individual's needs by configuring rules for form fields. Field rules let you give respondents a personalized experience by skipping irrelevant questions based on their previous answers. With this, you can eliminate the chances of your respondents tiring halfway through your forms and abandoning them.

Configure rules for an intuitive form

Easily configure rules for an intuitive form

It's easy to set up rules with our user-friendly Rules Builder. You can set up rules based on conditional logic to create a truly intuitive form. Define conditions with just a few clicks, without writing any code or creating flowcharts. Configure multiple combinations of these rules that the form automatically executes, providing a personalized form-filling experience for every respondent.

Flip forward to relevant pages

When dealing with multi-page forms, you can set up page rules so respondents can avoid the pages that don't concern them. Configure page rules to skip forward to a particular page in your form based on conditions met in the respondent's answers or choices on a previous page.

Manage form submissions with conditional submission denial

Streamline your form submission process by implementing conditional denial rules tailored to your specific criteria. Avoid the hassle of sorting through irrelevant submissions by automatically rejecting entries that don't meet your conditions. Furthermore, enhance user experience by providing clear denial messages to respondents, explaining why their submission cannot be accepted.