
The Dashboard page provides your organization's eDiscovery and Email Protection statistics in the form of widgets. The dashboard header provides an overview of your organization with details such as domain name, organization name, Super Admin Email address, and Subscription details. You can filter the stats based on your preferred date range using the drop-down.

Table of Contents

eDiscovery Dashboard

The eDiscovery Dashboard is the default page when you land in Dashboard. Use the drop-down from the upper right corner to filter the report based on the preferred date range.
Zoho eProtect Dashboard

Below are the statistics that you can see in the eDiscovery Dashboard:

  • Mailboxes Archived
  • Total Storage Used
  • Open Investigations
  • Legal Holds
  • Archived Email Stats
  • Top Storage Users
  • Open Investigations
  • Holds
  • Exports
  • Exports & Deletes
  • User Summary
  • Hold Summary

Email Protection Dashboard

Zoho eProtect provides a separate dashboard for spam control. Click Email Protection from the left pane under Dashboard. Use the drop-down from the upper right corner to filter the report based on the preferred date range.

Below are the statistics that you can see in the Email Protection Dashboard:

  • Users Protected
  • Emails Analysed
  • Spam Identified
  • Threats Blocked
  • Inbound vs Rejected Emails
  • Authentication Failures
  • Outbound vs Bounced Emails
  • Email Traffic Statistics
  • Incoming Quarantine Reports

Time range

The time range option allows you to choose the date range over which you wish to view your stats on Email Protection dashboard as well as eDiscovery dashboard. You can select the following range :

  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • This week
  • Last week
  • This month
  • Last month
  • Last 6 months
  • This year
  • Last year
  • Custom range - You can choose the desired range which doesnt fall under the above category, with a maximum of 7 days.
    Duration Range Filter

Dashboard theme

You have the option to customize the color theme of your dashboard statistics. You can do so by selecting the color palette button the right hand side and choosing your desired color option.

Dashboard Theme

Customizing dashboard

You can enable or disable widgets available in your dashboard using the customize dashboard option. Click on the Customize option on the bottom right corner and enable or disable the desired widget using the toggle button. The customize option helps you focus on the required stats in both the Email protection dashboard as well as eDiscovery dashboard. 

Customize Dashboard

Custom dashboard

Apart from the existing dashboards, you can create a custom dashboard to have a combined view of the desired widgets available in the Protection and eDiscovery dashboards. You can use this dashboard to create groups of your own to better monitor the emails you receive. To create a custom dashboard :

  1. Login to your eProtect account.
  2. Click on the Create custom dashboard icon at the top.
    Create Custom Dashboard
  3. Enter the tab's name, select the colour theme for your statistics, select the view of your choice ( eDiscovery or Email protection) and the corresponding widget. Click Create.
    Create Custom Dashboard
  4. You can add multiple widgets based on your requirements.

Deleting the custom dashboard :

To delete the custom dashboard, select the custom dashboard option on the bottom right corner and click delete dashboard.
Delete Custom Dashboard