Mobile Compatibility of Widgets


1. Marking a widget Mobile Compatible

Whenever you create a widget, you will find the "Mobile Compatibility" option at the bottom of the pop-up. Enable this option only for mobile-friendly widgets to ensure proper rendering in the mobile app. The UI related changes to make the widget mobile-friendly should be handled by the respective widget developer.

You can also edit the existing widget and make it mobile compatible. 

2. Supported Widget Types

You can enable the mobile-compatibility for the following types of Widgets.

  • Related List
  • Web tab
  • Button
  • Blueprint
  • Wizard

3. Compatible and Incompatible widgets in Mobile App

While associating a widget with a component, an icon will be shown for mobile-incompatible widgets in the association popup, as shown in the following image.



  • This support is not extended to extension based widgets.
  • This support is currently not available for IN DC.