Create Contract


To create a contract.

Request Details

Request URL


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.67013ab3960787bcf3affae67e649fc0.83a789c859e040bf11e7d05f9c8b5ef6


contracts.contracts.CREATE, contracts.contracts.ALL

Possible Operation Types

ALL - Full access to contract details
CREATE - Create contract

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.67013ab3960787bcf3affae67e649fc0.83a789c859e040bf11e7d05f9c8b5ef6"

Input JSON Keys

  • sourcenumber

    Represents the origin of the contract.

  • inputfieldsJSON Array

    Represents all the fields used to create the contract.

  • metaApiNamestring

    Represents the API name of the field used to create a contract. The field can be a particular field or a field and its related fields.

  • inputsJSON Array

    The array represents the API names of the fields and its value used to create a contract.

  • inputApiNamestring

    Represents the API name of the field used to create a contract. Refer to the inputApiNames List below that lists all the values of the inputApiName key.

  • inputValue

    Represents the value of a field used to create a contract. Regarding the data type, refer to the data type of each of the inputApiNames' values in the inputApiNames List below.

  • clauseOverridesJSON Array

    Represents the array of default clauses to deselect and the alternative languages of the selected clauses with their selection or deselection status.

  • apiNamestring

    Represents the API name of a clause or a clause's alternative language.

  • alternativesJSON Array

    Represents the array of the alternative languages of a clause where each item contains their API name and the selection or deselection status.

  • actionnumber

    Represents the selection status of the clause to deselect and the alternative languages of a selected clause to select or deselect. 

inputApiNames List

This section lists all the values of the inputApiName key that indeed are the API names of each field used to create a contract.

  • contract-typestring

    Represents the API name of the contract type.

  • titlestring

    Represents the contract title.

  • descriptionstring

    Represents the description of the contract.

  • requester-namestring

    Represents the name of the person who requested the contract.

  • requester-departmentstring

    Represents the API name of the department to which the requested person belongs to.

  • party-b-namestring

    Represents the API name of the counterparty.

  • counterparty-primary-contactstring

    Represents the email ID of the counterparty's primary contact.

  • contract-termboolean

    Represents whether the contract's term is definite or indefinite.

  • contract-effective-datenumber

    Represents the effective date options of the contract.

    0Specific Date
  • effective-specific-datestring

    Represents the specific date on which the contract's term begins.

  • contract-end-datenumber

    Represents the end date options of the contract.

    0Specific Date
    1On Condition
    2On Event
    3N Months/Years 
    4On Fulfillment Of Order/Service 
  • end-specific-datestring

    Represents the specific date on which the contract's term ends.

  • n-monthsyears-termnumber

    Represents whether the contract period ends by Months or Years (i.e., N Months/Years).

  • n-monthsyears-valuenumber

    Represents the number of months or years after which the contract will end from the start date.

  • end-on-conditionstring

    Represents the description of the condition on which the contract's term ends.

  • end-on-eventstring

    Represents the description of the event on which the contract's term ends.

  • end-on-fulfillment-of-orderservicestring

    Represents the description of the order/service that when fulfilled will end the contract.

  • termination-notice-periodnumber

    Represents the minimum number of days required before the contract's end date to send/receive a termination notice. For example, 20 Days.

  • is-renewableboolean

    Represents whether the contract is renewable or not.

  • renewal-typenumber

    Represents whether the contract is of manual or evergreen renewal type.

    0Manual Renewal
    1Evergreen Renewal 
  • notice-period-before-expirationnumber

    Represents the minimum number of days required before the manually renewable contract's end date to initiate the renewal. For example, 5 Days. 

  • send-expiration-remindernumber

    Represents the number of days before the contract's end date on which the renewal reminder notification has to be sent for manually renewable contracts. For example, 15 Days.

  • renewal-termnumber

    Represents the consecutive renewal term period of an evergreen contract after the end of each term in months or years.

  • renewal-term-periodnumber

    Represents the number of months or years of the renewal term period of an evergreen contract. For example, 10 Months.

  • non-renewal-notice-periodnumber

    Represents the minimum number of days required before the evergreen contract's end date to send/receive a non-renewal notice. For example, 10 Days.

  • amountBigDecimal

    Represents the contract amount to be paid or received, which is based on the contract type's intent (i.e., Buy or Sell).

  • taxnumber

    Represents whether the contract amount is inclusive of tax or the tax is as per the payment terms.

    0All Taxes Included
    1As Per Payment Terms

Sample Input

"source": 1,
"inputfields": [
         "metaApiName": "contract-type",
               "inputApiName": "contract-type",
               "inputValue": "service-level-agreement"
               "inputValue":"SLA with Zylker"
               "inputValue":"SLA with Zylker to agree on the service quality and responsibilities."
               "inputValue":"Kevin Smith"
"clauseOverrides": [
        "apiName": "late-payments",
        "alternatives": [
            "apiName": "Rig15496356725421254",
                "action": 1   
        "apiName": "management", 
        "action": 0    

Response JSON Keys

Refer to Get Contract API to view the Sample Response and its corresponding Response JSON Keys section to know the details.

Sample Response

  "contracts": [
      "owner": {
        "displayName": “Smith Jones”,
        "emailId": “”,
        "id": 596000000183025
      "modifiedTime": “Dec 15, 2021 04:26 PM”,
      "apiName": “sla-with-zylker”,
      "endIn": 1,
      "endInType": 0,
      "resourceId": “9a57560bbf7b48628acdc2fe41317ee0”,
      "contractType": {
        "apiName": “sla”,
        "name": “SLA”,
      "description": “SLA with Zylker to agree on the service quality and responsibilities.”,
      "amendments": [
          "number": 4,
          "modifiedTime": “Dec 15, 2021 04:26 PM”,
          "isCurrent": false,
          "stage": {
            "apiName": “active”,
            "name": “Active”,
          "systemStatus": 6,
          "latestCycleNumber": 1,
          "id": “596000000415223”,
          "type": 1,
          "startOption": 0,
          "endOption": 0,
          "docSource": 3
      "source": 2,
      "isActive": 1,
      "partyA": 0,
      "isRenewable": true,
      "renewalType": 0,
      "expirationNoticePeriod": 1,
      "expirationReminderPeriod": 2,
      "terminationNoticePeriod": 12,
      "intent": 1,
      "amount": 1200,
      "currency": 65
      "taxOption": 0,
      "resourceUrl": String,
      "requesterName": “Kevin Smith”,
      "primaryContact": {
        "displayName": "Laura Holmes",
        "emailId": "",
        "id": “200989”
      "contractTerm": true,
      "systemStatus": 1,
      "partyB": 1,
      "contractId": “596000000413741”,
      "name": “SLA with Zylker”,
      "counterParty": {
        "organizationApiName": “zylker”,
        "name": “Zylker”
      "requesterDepartment": {
        "apiName": “accounts”,
        "name": “Accounts”

Possible Errors


Request URL is incorrect

Resolution: Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the Request URL section above.



Resolution: Client does not have contracts.contracts.CREATE scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to the Scope section above.


Permission denied to create

Resolution: The user does not have permission to create records. Contact your organization administrator.


Internal Server Error

Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server.


The HTTP request method is not a valid one.

Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to the Endpoints section above.


The user does not have sufficient privilege to create module details.

Resolution: The user does not have permission to create module details. Contact your organization administrator.