Get Contract


To get the meta details of a contract. 

Request Details

Request URL{apiName}


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.67013ab3960787bcf3affae67e649fc0.83a789c859e040bf11e7d05f9c8b5ef6


contracts.contracts.READ, contracts.contracts.ALL

Possible Operation Types

ALL - Full access to contract details
READ - Get contract

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.67013ab3960787bcf3affae67e649fc0.83a789c859e040bf11e7d05f9c8b5ef6"

Response JSON Keys

  • ownerJSON Object

    Represents the name, email ID, and unique ID of the contract owner.

  • modifiedTimestring

    Represents the last modified time of the contract.

  • apiNamestring

    Represents the API name of the contract.

  • endInnumber

    Represents the number of months or years the contract will end from the start date.

  • endInTypenumber

    Represents whether the contract period ends by Months or Years (i.e., N Months/Years).

  • contractTypeJSON Object

    Represents the API name and name of the contract type.

  • descriptionstring

    Represents the description of the contract.

  • amendmentsJSON Array

    The array represents the lifecycle details of the contract, and each object in the array points to a particular phase. The phase can be that of the original contract, an amendment, renewal, or an extension. The details include the status of that particular phase, which can be the status of an original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension. Refer to the Amendments section below for the explanations of the keys in each object.

  • sourcenumber

    Represents the source of the contract creation.

    5The contract was created.
    2The contract was imported.
    3The contract was created from an external source (e.g., Zoho CRM).
  • isActivenumber

    Represents the contract's presence in the system.

    1The contract is present in the system.
    5The contract is present in the system and set as read-only due to plan downgrade.
  • intentnumber

    Represents the contract's intent, which is based on the respective contract type's intent.

  • partyAnumber

    Represents whether Party A of the contract is the organization or the counterparty.

  • isRenewableboolean

    Represents whether the contract is renewable or not.

  • renewalTypenumber

    Represents whether the contract is of manual or evergreen renewal type.

    0Manual Renewal
    1Evergreen Renewal 
  • expirationNoticePeriodnumber

    Represents the minimum period required before the contract expiry to renew a contract through manual renewal.

  • expirationReminderPeriodnumber

    Represents the timed notification to be sent before the contract expiry in manual renewal.

  • terminationNoticePeriodnumber

    Represents the minimum number of days required before the contract's expiration to terminate the contract.

  • amountBigDecimal

    Represents the contract amount to be paid or received, which is based on the contract type's intent (i.e., Buy or Sell).

  • taxOptionnumber

    Represents whether the contract amount is inclusive of tax or the tax is as per the payment terms.

    0All Taxes Included
    1As Per Payment Terms
  • requesterNamestring

    Represents the name of the person who requested the contract.

  • primaryContactJSON Object

    Represents the name, email ID, and unique ID of the counterparty's primary contact.

  • contractTermboolean

    Represents whether the contract's term is definite or indefinite.

  • systemStatusnumber

    Represents the overall status of the contract.

    12The contract is in any status from Draft to before Active. 
    1The contract is active.
    9The contract is terminated.
    10The contract is expired.
    7The contract is on hold.
    3The termination of the contract is initiated.
  • partyBnumber

    Represents whether Party B of the contract is the organization or the counterparty.

  • contractIdstring

    Represents the unique ID of the contract.

  • namestring

    Represents the contract title.

  • counterPartyJSON Object

    Represents the name and API name of the counterparty.

  • requesterDepartmentJSON Object

    Represents the name and API name of the department to which the requested person belongs to.

  • endEventDescriptionstring

    Represents the description of the event on which the contract's term ends.

  • endFulfillmentDescriptionstring

    Represents the description of the order/service that will end the contract's term when fulfilled.

  • endConditionDescriptionstring

    Represents the description of the condition on which the contract's term ends.

  • endDatestring

    Represents the end date of the contract term.


  • numbernumber

    Represents the ordinal number of the particular phase in the contract's chronology. The particular phase can be the original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension.

  • modifiedTimestring

    Represents the last modified time of the particular phase of the contract.

  • isCurrentboolean

    Represents whether the particular phase (original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension) is completed or in progress.

    TrueThe particular phase is completed. 
    FalseThe particular phase is in progress.
  • stageJSON Object

    Represents the name and the API name of the particular phase's status. The particular phase can be the original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension.

    Stage API NameStage
    draft-completeDraft Completed
    approval-pendingApproval Pending
    approval-recalled, sign-draft-after-approval-recalled Approval Recalled
    approval-rejected, sign-draft-after-approval-rejectedApproval Rejected
    approved, sign-draft-after-approval-approved Approved
    negotiation-review-pendingIn Negotiation Review Pending
    negotiation-review-receivedIn Negotiation Review Received
    negotiation-review-completedIn Negotiation Review Completed
    sign-pending, sign-draftSign Pending
    sign-recalled, sign-draft-after-recall Sign Recalled
    sign-declined, sign-draft-after-denied Sign Declined
    sign-draft-no-workflowDraft Completed
    sign-expired, sign-draft-after-sign-expired Sign Expired
  • systemStatusnumber

    Represents the overall status of the particular phase. The particular phase can be a contract's amendment, a renewal, or an extension. It does not apply to the original contract phase.

    6The amendment, renewal, or extension is active.
    7The amendment is on hold because a renewal is in progress.
    8The amendment, renewal, or extension has been cancelled.
    41The amendment, renewal, or extension has been cancelled due to the termination of the contract. 
    42The amendment, renewal, or extension has been cancelled due to the expiration of the contract.
    43The amendment, renewal, or extension has been cancelled due to the change in  the contract's term. 
  • latestCycleNumbernumber

    Represents the number of times the contract has been moved to draft in a particular phase. The phase can be the original contract or an amendment. For example, the contract could be moved to draft for editing purposes based on approval or negotiation review.

  • idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the particular phase of the contract.

  • typenumber

    Represents whether the particular phase of the contract is the original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension.

    1Original Contract
    2Contract Amendment
    3Contract Renewal
    4Contract Extension
  • startOptionnumber

    Represents the effective date options of the original contract, an amendment, a renewal, or an extension.

    0Specific Date
    1On Execution
    2Amendment Effective Date (applicable only for Amendments)
  • endOptionnumber

    Represents the end date options of a contract.

    0Specific Date
    1On Condition
    2On Event
    3N Months/Years
    4On Fulfillment of Order/Service 
  • docSourcenumber

    Represents the document source of the original contract, an amendment, or a renewal.

    1The original contract's document was created based on the contract type template.
    2The document of the original contract or an amendment was an imported document.
    3Indicates the imported contract's previous amendments/renewals have the respective signed PDF documents uploaded. 
    4Indicates the imported contract's previous amendments/renewals don't have any documents.

Possible Errors


Request URL is incorrect

Resolution: Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the Request URL section above.



Resolution: Client does not have contracts.contracts.READ scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to the Scope section above.


Permission denied to read

Resolution: The user does not have permission to read records. Contact your organization administrator.


Internal Server Error

Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server.


The HTTP request method is not a valid one.

Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to the Endpoints section above.


The user does not have sufficient privilege to read module details.

Resolution: The user does not have permission to retrieve module details. Contact your organization administrator.

Sample Response

  "contracts": [
      "owner": {
        "displayName": “Smith Jones”,
        "emailId": “”,
        "id": 596000000183025
      "modifiedTime": “Dec 15, 2021 04:26 PM”,
      "apiName": “sla-with-zillum”,
      "endIn": 1,
      "endInType": 0,
      "resourceId": “9a57560bbf7b48628acdc2fe41317ee0”,
      "contractType": {
        "apiName": “sla”,
        "name": “SLA”,
      "description": “This is a service level agreement for buying specific services.”,
      "amendments": [
          "number": 4,
          "modifiedTime": “Dec 15, 2021 04:26 PM”,
          "isCurrent": false,
          "stage": {
            "apiName": “active”,
            "name": “Active”,
          "systemStatus": 6,
          "latestCycleNumber": 1,
          "id": “596000000415223”,
          "type": 1,
          "startOption": 0,
          "endOption": 0,
          "docSource": 3
      "source": 2,
      "isActive": 1,
      "partyA": 0,
      "isRenewable": true,
      "renewalType": 0,
      "expirationNoticePeriod": 1,
      "expirationReminderPeriod": 2,
      "terminationNoticePeriod": 12,
      "intent": 1,
      "amount": 1200,
      "currency": 65
      "taxOption": 0,
      "resourceUrl": String,
      "requesterName": “Kevin Smith”,
      "primaryContact": {
        "displayName": "Laura Holmes",
        "emailId": "",
        "id": “200989”
      "contractTerm": true,
      "systemStatus": 1,
      "partyB": 1,
      "contractId": “596000000413741”,
      "name": “SLA with Zillum”,
      "counterParty": {
        "organizationApiName": “zillum”,
        "name": “Zillum”
      "requesterDepartment": {
        "apiName": “accounts”,
        "name": “Accounts”