Advanced analytics and reporting

With exhaustive reports across various aspects of contract management, Zoho Contracts enables you to make well-informed decisions via insights from detailed contract data.

Advanced analytics and reporting

Contract analytics
The game changer

Contracts are more than just legal documents signed by businesses; they contain vital information that can help companies increase revenue, improve governance, and mitigate risks. Manually analyzing all this data can be a daunting task. That’s why contract lifecycle management software like Zoho Contracts offers advanced analytical capabilities that structure data and make it consumable.

Analytical insights transform contracts from static documents to strategic assets. They help admins derive maximum value from the company’s contracts. Reports ensure admins stay on top of key business metrics, enabling them to refine processes, strengthen counterparty relationships with more thoughtful negotiation strategies, and effortlessly manage change. An intuitive analytical engine will also ensure no more missed renewal opportunities or unfulfilled obligations!

Reports in Zoho Contracts

Zoho Contracts offers over 35 downloadable and printable reports. Admins can further filter the data provided by each of these reports based on various parameters. The reports are grouped based on the following aspects of contract management.

  • Activity/Milestone
  • Performance
  • Obligations
  • Others

Activity/Milestone reports

In CLM software, a contract crosses several milestones before it becomes active. This includes approval, negotiation, and signature. The activity or milestone reports in Zoho Contracts filter contracts based on their position in reference to these milestones. These reports help you identify bottlenecks in your contract processes, mitigate them, and improve turnaround times (TAT).

Activity/milestone reports

Performance reports

Performance reports provide critical metrics to analyze the performance of contracts. These include contract cycle times (the time taken from contract creation to execution), individual cycle times (time taken for approvals or negotiations), and the number of approval rejections and negotiation cycles a contract undergoes.

Performance reports

Obligation reports

Zoho Contracts comes packed with an extensive obligations module that helps you mitigate business risks. It ensures stakeholders never miss an obligation, as it allows contract owners to track the progress of assigned responsibilities and set reminders. The reports help admins keep track of unfulfilled obligations and identify defaulters.


General reports

General reports in Zoho Contracts group contracts based on standard attributes such as approval workflow type, renewal type, and contract type. These reports provide an overview of all business contracts, giving you a better understanding of your repository.


Clause reports

Keep up with regulatory changes or internal policy changes with the help of clause reports. These reports provide details such as the number of contracts containing a specific clause. This enables you to quickly amend the clause language in contracts if and when required.


Counterparty reports

Manage counterparty relationships efficiently and devise better negotiation strategies with counterparty reports. These reports offer insights on the number of contracts signed with a counterparty and the counterparty type. They equip you to handle change quickly if a particular industry is affected.


User reports

Track user activity and improve employee accountability with the user reports in Zoho Contracts. These reports help you analyze and evaluate the performance of the individuals in your organization by providing a wealth of data, such as the number of contracts created, contracts pending approval, and contracts executed.


The dashboard in Zoho Contracts presents key performance indicators and other relevant metrics in tabular or graphical form. It offers admins a high-level overview of business contracts at a glance, enabling them to make quick decisions. Other users in the CLM system are also kept up-to-date with information such as pending approvals and obligations.

Dashboard Reporting dasborad reporting screenshot
Dashboard Calender

Master your contracting process with advanced analytics

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