Overviews and demos

02:23 Getting Started Tutorial

Introducing Zoho Contracts

Zoho Contracts is a simple yet comprehensive contract lifecycle management software that helps you improve the efficiency of all aspects of contract management.

14:07 Product Overview Demo

Product Overview Demo

New to Zoho Contracts? This video will give you a complete overview of Zoho Contracts and highlight its key features.

06:35 Getting Started Tutorial

Getting Started Tutorial

Learn how to create your organization in Zoho Contracts, connect your Zoho Contracts account with Zoho Sign, invite users, and create your first contract.

09:11 Building a Contract Template

Building a Contract Template

Templatization in Zoho Contracts makes contract authoring a breeze. Learn how to create a new contract type and build a contract template in Zoho Contracts.

36:29 Zoho CRM & Zoho Contracts Integration

Zoho CRM & Zoho Contracts Integration

Reduce your sales cycle times by streamlining your contract lifecycle with our Zoho CRM & Zoho Contracts integration. Learn how this integration works.

22:44 Deep Dive Webinar

Deep Dive Webinar

Learn how to streamline your entire contract lifecycle, improve contract governance, and mitigate business risks with Zoho Contracts.



How to Create and Author a Contract

Learn to create and author contracts with Zoho Contracts. Whether you're new to contract management or improving your contracting process, this video helps you draft contracts efficiently.


How to Share and Collaborate on a Contract

Learn to share and collaborate on a contract with Zoho Contracts. Whether you need to collaborate, co-author, or review a contract, this video helps you draft contracts seamlessly.


How to Negotiate a Contract

Learn to negotiate a contract with Zoho Contracts through this video. It covers the entire negotiation process, from sending and tracking contracts to managing negotiations efficiently.


Leegality Integration

Learn how to integrate your Leegality account with Zoho Contracts, associate digitized stamp paper with your contracts, and sign them via Leegality using Aadhaar signature.