Functions in Payments Received

Let us see the different functions that can be performed in the Payments Received module.

Record Customer Advances

If you receive an advance amount from your customer on which GST is applicable, then you can record this advance in Zoho Books.

To record advance payments from your customers:

Customer Advance
Fields Description
Customer Name Select the customer for whom you’re recording an advance.
Place of Supply Select the location where the supply takes place.
Description of Supply Enter a description of the goods or services that you are going to supply.
Amount Enter the total amount received from the customer.
Tax Select the tax applicable on the supply.
Payment Date Select the date on which you received the payment from your customer.
Payment # The payment number is auto-generated. If you want to configure this, click the Gear icon to the right of this field.
Payment Mode Select the mode in which the customer pays you.
Deposit To Choose the account which tracks the customer advance.
Reference# Enter a reference number for the payment.
Notes Enter any notes about the customer advance for your reference. This won’t be displayed to the customer.
Attach Files You can attach up to 5 files, each of 5 MB, to the customer advance.
Notify via SMS If you have enabled SMS notifications, you can notify your customer about the advance you received from them.

Apply Customer Advance to Invoice

After you have recorded your customer’s advance, you can apply it to their outstanding invoices. Here’s how:

Apply to Invoice Apply to Invoice

Edit or Delete Payments Applied to Invoices

If you have applied the advance received from your customer to any of their invoices, you can delete these recorded payments. Here’s how:

Actions on Payment Actions on Payment

Refund Payment

You can refund the advance that you’ve received from your customers. Here’s how:

Refund Payment

Insight: You can enter the amount to refund in full or in part. If you choose to do it in part, the remaining amount can be applied to invoices or refunded later on too.

Refund Payment

You can find the amount refunded at the bottom of the page. You can perform various actions such as download it as a PDF, Print, Edit or Delete it.

Refund Amount Actions

Notify via SMS

If you have set up SMS notifications in Zoho Books, you can send an SMS to your customer about the advance payment recorded for them. Here’s how:

Notify via SMS Send SMS

If you want to send SMS notifications to your customer, it is necessary that you enter the customer’s phone number in their contact details.

Payment Receipt Template

When you record a payment in Zoho Books, it will be saved in a default template. However, you can change this template and select another one. Here’s how:

Change Template

Learn more about Templates and Payment Receipt Templates.

Next >
Manage Payments Received


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