Integrate Zoho Books with Kotak Mahindra Bank

Zoho Books has partnered with Kotak Mahindra Bank to connect your banking and accounting processes. Connecting your current account with Zoho Books will enable you to:

Note: This integration is available only for users in the India edition of Zoho Books created under the domain.

Connect Kotak Bank to Zoho Books

Set up the Integration

All you need to get started with the integration is a current account with Kotak Mahindra Bank. If you do not have one, you can request one from Zoho Books as well. To set up:

If you are an existing user of Kotak Mahindra Bank:

Setup Kotak Mahindra Setup Kotak Mahindra

Insight: CRN or the Customer Relationship Number is a unique identification number provided to each customer of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

Login OTP Accept T&C and provide consent

Once you’ve successfully integrated with Kotak Mahindra Bank, the account status will be Active. The bank account will also be visible in the Banking module if you’ve not configured the bank account manually already.

Warning: The integration’s authentication is set to expire automatically once every 30 days for security purposes. You will have to go to the KMB portal to reauthenticate the integration.

If you are a new user to Kotak Mahindra Bank:

New Account Enter details

The bank executives will get in touch with you and help you create a new account.

Configure Account for Bank Feeds

Once you’ve connected your bank account, you will be able to configure the bank account for fetching direct feeds. To do this:

Note: If you’ve been fetching bank feeds already through our service provider, Yodlee, you can deactivate the feeds and configure the account for direct feeds. Direct feed integration helps you to receive feeds quickly without any third party interference.

Configure feed Add feed

Note: You will be able to fetch the bank statements only for 90 days prior to the date of setting up the integration.

The bank account will be listed in your banking overview page with the live feeds indication. You can click it to view the bank statements.


Check Account Balance

Once you’ve configured the account for bank feeds, you can view the live current account balance. To view:

Live feeds

The balance available in your bank account will be displayed. You can click refresh, if required to fetch the current balance.

Fetch Feeds and Reconcile Bank Statements

Once you configure the feeds, and add bank statements, they will be readily available in your Zoho Books account. To view and reconcile statements:

Insight: Bank statements will be refreshed automatically on login. To refresh them manually, click the Settings dropdown near the bank account and click Refresh Feeds.

Uncategorised transactions

Learn more about matching and reconciling bank transactions.

Reauthenticate Integration

The Zoho Books - Kotak Mahindra Bank’s integration’s authentication is set to expire once every 30 days for security purposes. If the integration’s authentication expires, you can reauthenticate the integration at the KMB Portal to continue using the banking features within Zoho Books.

To reauthenticate:

Reauthenticate KMB integration

Insight: CRN or the Customer Relationship Number is a unique identification number provided to each customer of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

Login OTP Accept T&C and provide consent

Now, your integration will be Active again and you can continue accessing the KMB account from within Zoho Books.

Disable the Integration

You can disable the integration if you no longer want to fetch feeds through Kotak Mahindra Bank or if your session has expired.

Note: If the integration’s authentication has expired, your integration will not be active. It is recommended that you reauthenticate the integration before disabling it. If you continue to disable the integration in the expired state, the integration will be disabled only in Zoho Books.

To disable:

Expire Disable

Note: If you have any queries regarding the Kotak bank integration, write to us at

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