Other Actions in Quotes

Edit a Quote

Clone a Quote

If you need a new quote with the same details, you can clone the existing one. Here’s how:

Import Quotes


  • You can only import files in CSV, TSV, and XLS formats.
  • The file size must not exceed 10 MB.

To import quotes into Zoho Books:

Pro Tip: You can download and use the sample file as a reference for the format, and if needed, fill it in with the data you want to import.

Now, the quotes with all the details will be imported into Zoho Books. If you face errors while importing, read the description, make changes, and try again.

Export Quotes

Now, the file will be downloaded to your computer, containing the quotes with your selected preferences.

Export Current View of Quotes

You can export the quotes in the same order as they appear on the List View page by exporting the current view of quotes. Here’s how:

Now, the file will be downloaded to your computer, containing the quotes in the same order as they appear on the List View page in Zoho Books.

Create a Project From the Quote for the Customer

To create a project for the customer based on the quote you created for them:

Now, a project will be created from the quote for the selected customer, adding the services listed in the quote as tasks in the project. Once you mark these tasks as Billable, you can invoice the customer for each task.

Create a Retainer Invoice From a Quote

If your customer makes a retainer payment, you can record this payment by creating a retainer invoice. To create a retainer invoice:

Now, a retainer invoice will be created from the quote.

Email the Quote to the Customer

If you want to email a copy of the quote at a later point in time, you can send it to your customer. Here’s how:

Now, the quote will be sent to the customer, and the status of the quote will be updated to Sent.

You can generate a link for the quote and share it with your customers. Using this link, the customer can view the quote. To share the quote using a link:

Now, once you generate the link, click Copy Link to copy the link and share it with your customers.

Note: If you want to disable all the links you’ve generated that are active before the expiration date, follow the same steps as above, and click Disable All Active Links in the popup.

Attach Files to a Quote

Now, once you attach any files to the quote, you can use them internally. To display the attachments in the customer portal and emails, enable Display Attachments in Customer Portal and Emails under the attachment on the Quote Details page.

Note: You can upload a maximum of 10 files, each up to 10 MB.

Delete a Quote

Prerequisite: You cannot delete a quote if you’ve created an invoice or retainer invoice for it. Delete the associated invoice or retainer invoice first before deleting the quote.

Bulk Actions in Quotes

Bulk Update Quotes

If you need to update a specific field in multiple quotes at once, you can use the bulk update option. To update in bulk:

Now, the selected quotes will be updated with the new information.

Download Multiple Quote PDFs

You can select and download a PDF containing multiple quotes, with each quote on a separate page. To download:

Now, the selected quotes will download as a single PDF, with each quote on its individual page.

Now, the selected quotes will be printed.

Delete Quotes in Bulk

Prerequisite: You cannot delete a quote once an invoice or retainer invoice has been created for it. First, delete the associated invoice or retainer invoice before attempting to delete the quote.

Now, the selected quotes will be deleted at once.

Rename Estimates to Quotes

Note: This applies to organizations created before March 31, 2023.

In Zoho Books, organizations created before March 31, 2023, have Estimates as the module name, while organizations created after this date have Quotes as the module name. If the module name was Estimates in your organization and you’ve renamed it to Quotes through the displayed pop-ups, you will need to do the following steps to apply the change fully:

Update the Document’s Title in Templates

The document title of the transaction in PDF templates will still be Estimate. You have to update the name manually in each PDF template. Here’s how:

Update the Transaction Prefix

If you’ve enabled Transaction Number Series, here’s how you can update the prefix:


If you’ve not enabled Transaction Number Series, here’s how you can update the prefix:

With this, the new quotes you create will have the prefix that you’ve entered.

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