Exporting Data

You can now fetch all data from your Zoho Books organization to your computer by exporting them. Zoho Books lets you export all the data in a particular module or create your own Export Template to export specific data. 

With the Export Template feature you can:

Scenario: Steve is a member of the sales team in his organization. He generates various reports regarding the organization’s performance and shares them periodically with the members of the management. Steve selects the specific fields he would like to export to generate a sales report or exports all data to his computer, based on his requirements. 

Likewise, you can create your own templates and choose one from them while you export data. Let’s see how you can do this with Zoho books: 




Note: This is a GIF that contains no sound and it cannot be paused in between. Make sure you watch the entire GIF to get a clear idea on how the template works.

Note: While XLSX files support inbuilt password protection, CSV files will be zipped with the password, which you provided. This password must be entered when unzipping the file. 

Importing Data

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