Enable Transaction Approval

In order to set up the approval process for your transactions, transaction approval must be enabled for your sales and purchase transactions separately.

Note: This help document is for the old version of Transaction Approvals. Read our help document on the new version of Transaction Approvals.

Enable Sales Approvals

If you enable sales approval, you can provide your users with the ability to submit and approve the invoices, sales orders, quotes, and credit notes.

Transaction Approval
Preference Description
Don’t configure Sales Approval Transaction approval will not be configured for the sales module.
All the approvers can approve All the users who have approval permissions can approve transactions.
Configure multi-level approval with specific approvers The transaction can be approved by multiple approvers based on the organization’s hierarchy.
Transaction Approval

Insight: If you would like to view the list of approvers, you can do so by clicking Show Approvers next to the All Approvers can approve option.

Enable Multi-level Approval for Sales Approval

You can also set up a multi-level approval process for the transactions that should be approved by two or more people. To set up a multi-level process for your organization:

Transaction Approval

Note: You can add up to 10 approvers. Only the users with approval permission for the Invoices, Sales Orders, Quotes and Credit Notes modules will be configured for Multi-level approval.

Disable Sales Approval

If you no longer wish to have a approval process for your sales transactions, you can disable the sales approval feature. 

Enable Purchase Approval

If you enable purchase approval, you can provide your users with the ability to submit and approve the bills, vendor credits, and purchase orders.

Transaction Approval
Field Description
Don’t configure Purchase Approval Transaction Approval will not be configured for the Purchase module.
All the approvers can approve All the approvers who have been granted permission by the admin to approve the purchase module transactions.
Configure multi-level approval with specific approvers The transaction can be approved by multiple approvers based on the organization’s hierarchy.
Transaction Approval

Insight: If you would like to view the list of approvers, you can do so by clicking Show Approvers next to the All Approvers can approve option.

Enable Multi-Level Approval for Purchase Approval

You can also set up a multi-level approval process for the transactions that should be approved by two or more people. To set up a multi-level process for your organization:

Transaction Approval

Note: You can add up to 10 approvers. Users with approval permission for the Bills, Vendor Credits, Purchase Orders modules will only be listed will be configured for Multi-level approval.

Disable Purchase Approval

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