Functions in Payments Made

Let us take a look at some of the functions that can be performed in the Payments Made module.

Record Vendor Advance

If you have given an advance amount to your vendor on which GST is applicable, then you can record this in Zoho Books.

To record advance payments from vendors:

Vendor Advance
Fields Description
Vendor Name Select the vendor for whom you’re recording an advance.
Source of Supply Select the location where the supply takes place.
Description of Supply Enter a description for the goods or services that you are going to supply.
Amount Enter the total amount paid to your vendor.
Tax Select the tax applicable on the supply.
Reverse Charge Mark this box if reverse charge is applicable on the supply. If you do so, select the Tax applicable on the supply.
TDS Select the reason and percentage of tax deducted at source (if any). You can edit the amount by clicking the Pencil icon next to the amount.
Payment Date Select the date on which you paid your vendor.
Payment # The payment number is auto-generated. If you want to configure this, click the Settings icon to the right of this field.
Payment Mode Choose from the different payment modes or configure one of your own.
Paid Through Choose the account from which you’re paying the vendor.
Deposit To Choose the account which tracks the vendor advance.
Reference# Enter a reference number for the payment.
Notes Enter any notes about the vendor advance for your reference. This won’t be displayed to the vendor.

Apply Vendor Advance to Bills

After you have recorded a vendor’s advance, you can apply it to their bills. Here’s how:

Apply to Bills Apply to Bills

Note: If you have enabled reverse charge for your vendor advance, then the reverse charge will be applicable on the vendor’s bills as well.

Edit or Delete Payments Applied to Bills

If you have applied the vendor advance on bills for any vendor, you can edit or delete these payments. Here’s how:

Actions on Payment Actions on Payment

Record Refund for Advance Payment Made to Vendor

If you’ve made an advance payment to a vendor and the vendor refunds a part or the entire advance payment, you can record the refund in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Refund Vendor Payment Refund Vendor Payment

When you record a refund for a part of the advance payment, the remaining amount will still be available to apply across the vendor’s outstanding bills.

You can find the amount refunded at the bottom of the page. You can perform various actions such as download it as a PDFPrintEdit or Delete it.

Refund Amount Actions

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Manage Payments Made


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