Track Branch Transactions

Once you’ve created branches, included new GSTINs and associated the transaction series, you can start creating transaction. Let’s take a look at how you can include transactions to each branch and track them in Zoho Books:

Associate Branches to Transactions

Each time you create a new transaction, you will be able to associate the branch with your transactions. You will be able to associate them with all your sales, purchase transactions, manual journals, bank transactions, and e-Way bills. To associate:

Select Branch

Insight: As the GSTINs are associated with branches, it tracks the transactions and helps generate relevant business and tax related reports.

Similarly, you will be able to create transactions and associate branches for other modules as well.

Pro Tip: If you’ve been maintaining a branch’s transactions separately, you can import them to your organisation along with the branch and map them accordingly

Here are some points to note:

View Dashboard

When you associate branches with transactions, you can get an overview of each branch’s performance right from the dashboard. Here’s how:


Generate Reports

If you’ve associated transactions with branches, you will be able to generate reports for a particular branch or for all the branches collectively. This lets you view the profits, sales or the expenses of a particular branch.

Insight: If your Zoho Books organisation is integrated with Zoho Analytics, you will be able to sync the branch details as well and run advanced reports as per your requirements.

Run Reports for Specific Branches:

Filter Report

Note: This option is not available for certain reports.

View Branch Details in Reports:

Filter Report

Generate GST Returns:

When you have multiple GSTINs, the returns will be generated for each GSTIN separately. A GSTIN dashboard will list all the GSTINs.

In case of GST returns and summaries, a new GST panel with the Branch and GSTIN will be displayed. Click View Summary to view all the returns associated with the GSTIN.

GST Dashboard

Alternatively, you can also filter the individual tax summaries available in the Reports module.

GST return

The GST payments you record/make and the returns you mark as filed will also contain your branch details.

GST payment

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