Connected Banking with SBI

Zoho Books has partnered with State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest bank. This integration connects your Zoho Books organisation and your SBI current account, allowing you to streamline your finances. From initiating vendor payments and reconciling transactions to viewing real-time account balances, this integration enhances your overall banking experience.

This help document provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use this integration.

Note: This integration is available only for users in the India edition of Zoho Books created under the domain.


  • A corporate current account with SBI.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), other than Passkey, must be enabled for your Zoho account. Learn how to enable MFA.

Set Up the Integration

Initiate the Integration

Note: The user initiating the integration must be the admin in SBI’s internet banking portal.

To initiate the integration between your Zoho Books organisation and your SBI current account:

A unique ID will be generated, and the integration will be initiated from Zoho Books. Copy the Unique ID generated in Zoho Books, and proceed to configure the integration at SBI banking portal.

Copy Unique ID

Configure the Integration

Once you’ve initiated the integration in Zoho Books, you can configure it in SBI’s internet banking portal.

To log in to your banking portal:

Once you’ve logged in, follow the steps below to continue configuring the integration.

1. Submit Application

Create an application in the Yono SBI portal to configure the integration. To do this:  

(i) Onboarding Details

Provide your ERP Provider’s (Zoho Books) details in this section.

Your details will be saved, and you will be taken to the API Details tab.

(ii) API Details

In this section, select the API details required to access the SBI services:

Your details will be saved, and you will be moved to the next tab.

(iii) Transaction Details

In this section, review the transaction limits and add other users (if you have multiple users in your account).

Your details will be saved, and you will be moved to the next tab.

(iv) Preview and Submit

In this section, preview your details, and submit them to the bank. To do this:

If you’re an individual user in the SBI portal, your application will be processed immediately and you can proceed to sync your account details.

If you have multiple users in the SBI portal:

Insight: You can also Download or print the Omnibus Document and share it with your bank offline.

2. Sync Account Details

After your onboarding has been completed at the bank, you can sync your account details with Zoho (ERP). To do this:

Insight: You can view the status of the sync on the same page in the Data Sync Status section.

You can then generate a token to access the integration in Zoho Books.

3. Generate Integration Token

Generate a token to establish the integration with Zoho Books. To do this:

Insight: When the integration token has expired, you can generate a new token on the same page to continue initiating payments and configuring feeds

The token will be synced with Zoho Books. You can log in back to your Zoho Books account.

Complete Integration Setup

Once you’ve configured the integration at the bank’s portal, log in to Zoho Books to complete the set up.

Upon verification, your integration will be marked as active, and you will be able to initiate payments.

Configure Bank Feeds

Once you’ve integrated, you can add your bank account to fetch bank feeds into Zoho Books. To configure the account:

Your bank feeds will be fetched from SBI and you can view them in the Banking module.

Make Payments to Vendors

Update Bank Account Details

Once you have completed setting up your integration, you must add the vendors as beneficiaries in your bank account and also include their details in your Zoho Books account.

Add Beneficiaries in SBI

To add beneficiaries to the bank portal:

The beneficiary will be added to SBI.

Add Bank Account Details in Zoho Books

Once you’ve added the bank details to the portal, you will have to add them to Zoho Books as well. To do so:

Once added, you can initiate payments to the vendor.

Initiate Payments from Zoho Books

Individual Bill Payments

Once you’ve added your vendor’s bank account details, you can initiate payments from Zoho Books. To initiate payment:

Fields Description
Balance Due The total sum of the money due for payment for a particular bill.
Amount Enter the amount you would like to pay. You can make a complete or a partial payment towards the bill.
From Account Select the SBI Account in the From Account.
To Account Select the account to which you would like to make the payment.
Transaction Type Select the transaction type from the available fund transfer options. This can be IMPS, NEFT, RTGS, or Fund Transfer (Same Bank).

The payment will be processed from Zoho Books.

Bulk Bill Payments

You can also initiate payments towards multiple bills created for the same vendor. To do this:

The payment will be processed from Zoho Books.

Resolving Payment Failures

If you are facing issues while initiating a vendor payment through SBI, please check the following:

If you still face any issues while initiating payments, reach out to for further assistance.

Approve Payments in SBI

If you’ve selected Non-STP as your authorisation mode while configuring the integration, you will have to approve the payment at the portal. Learn how to provide approval access for your portal users.

To approve:

The payment will be approved. You can check the status of the payment in the reports section.

Manage Users

Since this is a user-level integration, you will have to provide access to each user to allow them to initiate payments.

Add Users in Zoho Books

Once integrated, you can provide other users access to the integration.

To add users:

Note: Users added here also need to be added to the bank’s portal to access the integration.

Note: To revoke access for users, click the Remove icon in the same pop-up.

Users Accessing the Integration

Once you’ve provided users access, here’s how they can access the integration:

Once validated, other users will be able to initiate payments as well.

Provide Approval Access in SBI

Note: Only the SBI portal’s admin will be able to add approvers and set limits. Approval is applicable only in case of Non-STP payments.

Once you’ve added the users to Zoho Books and authorisers to the SBI portal, you can set authorisation limits and provide SBI access rights.

To set authorisation limits:

Share the downloaded form with your bank. The changes will take effect after the bank reviews and approves the details.

Once approved by the bank, you can allow the users to approve the initiated transactions. To add approvers:

The users can then authorise the transactions initiated in Zoho Books.

Delete the Integration

Note: The integration can be deleted only by the admin who set up the integration.

If you’re the admin and you don’t want your Zoho Books organisation to be connected with SBI, you can delete the integration.

To delete:

The integration will be deleted for all the users.

Insight: If you are not the admin and you are a user in Zoho Books, you will only be able to disable the the integration for you. Other users will still be able to access the integration.

Note: If you have any queries regarding connected banking with SBI, write to us at

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