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Deluge old framework and new framework - Behavioral differences

Note: This page is applicable only to Zoho Creator


This page contains behavioral updates in two phases - post migration from the old to the new framework and in the new, upgraded framework.

Behavioral Differences Phase 1

After Zoho Creator Version 5 (ZC5) was released on 26th March 2018, we encouraged all the accounts that were in Zoho Creator Version 4 (ZC4) to migrate to the new revamped version. In order to migrate your ZC4 account to ZC5, your Deluge framework needs to be migrated to a new improved framework. The new framework is equipped with more built-in functions, and it enhances the overall performance of Zoho Creator applications. In the new framework, along with several internal updates that will boost performance, there are also a few behavioral updates that are different from the old framework. The following table lists all the cases that exhibit behavioral differences in the new framework. An account once migrated to the new framework cannot be reverted. Therefore, please ensure that these differences won't affect the working of your applications before carrying on with the new framework migration.



Unnecessary brackets in Deluge scripts:

On migrating your account to the new framework, the brackets used in your Deluge scripts that have no significance in the working of the scripts will be removed.

Script in old framework:

discount = ((price1 + price2 + price3) * 0.2 / 3);


The working of the above script remains the same with or without the brackets in red. Hence, the brackets will be removed in the new framework.

Script in new framework:

discount = (price1 + price2 + price3) * 0.2 / 3;


Displaying Subform field values using info and alert tasks:

In the old framework, when a collection variable holding a subform field's values fetched using fetch record task or input keyword was displayed using info or alert task, only the value of the field in the first subform record was displayed. In the new framework, a list of all values will be displayed.

Consider that a subform contains 4 rows and its field number_field holds the value 24 in the first row, 6 in the second row, 28 in the third row, and 2 in the 4th row.


fetchedRecords =
for each rec in


Rounding off numeric fields:

In the old framework, when numeric fields are inserted using add records Deluge task, only the decimal part of the number values were rounded off according to the number of digits configured in field properties and the whole number parts were added as such.

In the new framework, both whole number and decimal parts of the input number values were rounded off according to the number of digits configured in field properties.


 a = insert into Untitled_Form
 Added_User = zoho.loginuser
 Currency = 1234567890123
 Number = 123456789012123
 Decimal = 123.23456789123
 Percent = 12345678901234


Inserted value in old framework:

Currency =
Number =
Decimal = 123.23456789123
Percent =

Inserted value in new framework:

= $ 1,234,567,890.00
Number = 1234567890
Decimal = 123.23
Percent = 1234567890.00

In the old framework, only the decimal parts of the numbers were rounded off. Whereas in the new framework, both the whole number and decimal parts will be rounded off.


Null value in if condition:

In the old framework, when the condition supplied to the if statement was evaluated to be null, the false block was executed. In the new framework, an error will be returned. 


var = a.Decision_Box; // evaluates to null

info "True block executed";
info "False block executed";


Output in the old framework: False block executed

An error will be returned in the new framework.


Sendmail task spam control restrictions:

In the old framework, if the specified "From"  email address is not zoho.loginuserid, zoho.adminuserid, or a verified email address, the "To" email address must mandatorily be one of the above-mentioned three addresses. Otherwise, an execution exception was returned.

In the new framework, the "From" email address must be zoho.loginuserid, zoho.adminuserid, or a verified email address. Otherwise, an execution exception will be returned.


from : ""
to: zoho.loginuserid
subject : "Greetings"
message: "Hello. Hope you're doing fine."


In the new framework, the above snippet will work fine if "" is a verified email address. However, in the old framework, this snippet worked irrespective of if the "From" address is a verified email address because the "To:" email address is zoho.loginuserid.

Fetch records criteria restriction
In the new framework, left expression of the Fetch records task criteria with the format <parent field>.<child field> will be restricted to contain the following field types:
parent field - Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform, and Inline Subform
child field - Multi Select field, Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform, Inline Subform, Multi Select, Check Box, and Multi Select Users fields


variable = Form1[multi_select_lookup_field.multiselect_field == {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"}] ;

In the new framework, the above script will return an error as it is logically incorrect.

The following method is the best practice to achieve the use case:

fetchedIDs = Form2[multiselect_field == {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"}].ID.getAll();

			variable = Form1[multi_select_lookup_field in fetchedIDs] ;

Fetch records sort by restriction

Records fetched using the Fetch records task cannot be sorted using a Multi Select field, Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform, Inline Subform, Check Box, or Multi Select Users field.


variable = Form1[ID !=0] sort by checkbox_field;

In the new framework, the above script will return an error.

Behavioral Differences Phase 2

You would have noticed an improvement in performance once you had switched from the old Deluge framework to the new, upgraded framework. We're implementing more behavioral updates to make sure that you always have a better user experience and better performance. These updates are listed in the below table and will be released on September 30, 2023.


  • Rows 6 and 7 in the previous table have undergone further improvements and are listed in the below table.
  • If you've configured Deluge scripts containing the following restricted cases,  then those scripts in your Creator applications will fail upon both saving and execution. You can refactor such scripts to make them run again.
  • Restoring existing application backups and creating new applications by importing .DS file will fail in all the cases mentioned in the below table. However, you can refactor your scripts and take new backups. You can also contact us at for further assistance.
Fetch records sort by restriction
  1. Sort using multi select fields:
    Records fetched using the fetch records task cannot be sorted using a Multi Select, Multi Select lookup, Existing Subform, Inline Subform, or Check Box fields.
  2. Sort using composite fields:
    Records fetched using the fetch records task cannot be sorted using the Name and Address composite fields and Added_Location and Modified_Location composite system fields.


variable = Form1[ID !=0] sort by checkbox_field ;
variable = Form1[ID !=0] sort by name ;

In the new framework, the above script will return an error as it is logically incorrect.


Fetch records criteria restriction

In the new framework, the left expression of the fetch records task criteria with the format <parent field>.<child field> cannot contain the following field types i.e., they cannot contain the format as MultiSelect.MultiSelect.
parent field - Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform, and Inline Subform
child field - Multi Select field, Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform, Inline Subform, Multi Select,  and Check Box fields.


variable = Form1[multi_select_lookup_field.multiselect_field == {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"}] ;

In the new framework, the above script will return an error as it is logically incorrect.

The following method is the best practice to achieve the use case:

fetchedIDs = Form2[multiselect_field IN {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"}].ID.getAll();

			variable = Form1[multi_select_lookup_field in fetchedIDs] ;

Fetch records criteria restriction (based on field types)

Note: This criteria restriction applies to the following operators only if the below mentioned field types are present in the same form.
  • ==
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <=
  • IN
  • IS

(i) Composite fields 
In the new framework, left and right expressions (operands) of the fetch records task criteria cannot contain the Name and Address composite fields and composite system fields such as Added_Location and Modified_Location.


variable = Form[ Name == Name ];
variable = Form[ Name1 == Name2 ];
variable = Form[ Address == Address ];
variable = Form[ Address1 == Address2 ];

In the new framework, the above scripts will return an error as they are logically incorrect.

(ii) Multi Select and Single Select fields
In the new framework, a Multi Select field type cannot be compared with a single select field type in the left and right expressions (operands) of the fetch records task criteria i.e., the two operands cannot contain the following fields in each of the two field types.

Multi Select field type - Multi Select Lookup, Existing Subform,  Inline Subform, Multi Select,  and Check Box fields.
Single Select field type - Radio, Drop Down, Drop Down Lookup, and Radio Lookup fields.


variable = Form[ MultiSelect == Radio ];
variable = Form[ SingleSelect == MultiSelect ];
variable = Form[ MultiSelectLookup == SingleSelectLookup ];

In the new framework, the above scripts will return an error as they are logically incorrect.

(iii) Multi Select fields
In the new framework, left and right expressions of the fetch records task criteria cannot contain the following Multi Select field types:

  • Lookup (Multi Select)
  • Existing Subform
  • Inline Subform
  • Check Box


variable = Form[ MultiSelect == MultiSelect ];
variable = Form[ MultiSelectLookup == MultiSelect ];
variable = Form[ MultSelectField1 == MultSelectField2 ];
variable = Form[ SubForm == SubForm ];

In the new framework, the above scripts will return an error as they are logically incorrect.


Operator-based criteria restriction 

Note: The below restriction applies to the following operators:

  • ==
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <=
  • IN
  • IS

In the new framework, the left expressions of the fetch records task criteria cannot contain the following Multi Select field types and the right expressions cannot contain more than six elements in the list (here, arguments refer to choices related to the Multi Select fields).

  • Multi Select
  • Lookup (Multi Select)
  • Existing Subform
  • Inline Subform
  • Check Box


rec = Form[ MultiSelect == {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"} ];
rec = Form[ MultiSelect IN {"Choice 1", "Choice 2"} ];

In the new framework, the above scripts will return an error if more than 6 elements are used inside the list.


contains() function criteria restriction

Records fetched using the fetch records task cannot contain more than one searchString in the contains() function used as a criteria. This restriction is applicable when the criteria are specified for the following Creator fields:

  • Multi Select
  • Check Box
  • Multi Select Lookup
  • Subform
  • SingleSelect_Lookup.MultiSelectField - when you've used a single select lookup field (dropdown or radio) that looks up data from a multi select field in the parent form. 


rec = Form[ MultiSelect.contains({"Choice 1", "Choice 2"}) ];

In the new framework, the above script will return an error as it is logically incorrect.

The following method is the best practice to achieve the use case:

rec = Form[ MultiSelect.contains("Choice 1") && MultiSelect.contains("Choice 2")  ];

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