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  • This task is applicable only to Zoho Creator.


The distinct function in the "aggregate records" deluge task returns a list of unique values of a specified field from records fetched using a criteria.

The criteria is mandatory.

This function can be applied to all field types.


The data-type of the returned value is List.


<variable> = <form_link_name> [<criteria>].distinct(<field_link_name>);

<variable>Variable which will hold the returned list.

Link name of the form from which the records will be fetched.


Criteria based on which records will be fetched.


Link name of the field to which the distinct function will be applied.

This function can be applied to all field types.

Things to keep in mind

  • If you wish to fetch all records of the specified form, use the following script as criteria:
    [ID != 0]

    It is advisable to fetch all records only when absolutely needed. Fetching all records generates a load resulting in performance issues.

This task can be used in the following events

When a record is Created
On LoadYes
On ValidateYes
On SuccessYes
On User inputYes
Subform on add rowYes
Subform on delete rowYes
When a record is Created or Edited
On LoadYes
On ValidateYes
On SuccessYes
On User inputYes
Subform on add rowYes
Subform on delete rowYes
When a record is Edited
On LoadYes
On ValidateYes
On SuccessYes
On User inputYes
Subform on add rowYes
Subform on delete rowYes
When a record is Deleted
On ValidateYes
On SuccessYes
Other workflow events
On a scheduled dateYes
During approval processYes
During payment processYes
In a Custom FunctionYes
In an Action item in reportYes


The following script returns the list of different values of "age" field from the Employees form.

EmployeeDetails = Employees [ ID != 0 ].distinct(age);

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