Get Related Records from Zoho CRM
Table of Contents
This task is used to fetch records from a submodule(related list) related to a record in a parent module in Zoho CRM. For instance, Notes attached to a particular Lead or Contacts linked to a particular account can be fetched using the ID of the parent module record.
<response> = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords(<relation_name>, <parent_module_name>, <record_id>, <page>, <per_page>, <query_value>, <connection>);
Params | Data type | Description |
<response> | KEY-VALUE | specifies the response returned by Zoho CRM. It represents the values fetched from the records against the API names of its respective fields. |
<relation_name> | TEXT | specifies the API name of the submodule or the related list. |
<parent_module_name> | TEXT | specifies the API name of the module to which the submodule belongs. For example, "Notes" submodule belongs to "Leads" parent module. |
<record_id> | NUMBER | specifies the ID of the parent module record whose related data needs to be fetched. Learn how to fetch the ID of a record after creating, searching or fetching it. |
<page> (optional) | NUMBER | refers to the starting index of the records that need to be fetched Default value: 1 |
<per_page> (optional) | NUMBER | specifies the number of records that need to be fetched per page Default value: 200 |
<query_value> (optional) | KEY-VALUE | holds all the other parameters specified in the Zoho CRM API. Note:
<connection> (optional) | TEXT | specifies the name of the connection. Note:
Example 1
The following script fetches all the Notes associated to the Lead with ID - 23033XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in Zoho CRM.
notesinfo = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Notes", "Leads", 23033XXXXXXXXXXXXXX);
Example 2
The following script fetches all the records from the Events submodule associated with the custom module - Hotels
eventsinfo = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Events", "Hotels", 23033XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, 1, 3);
1 and 3
Response Format
The following is a sample response returned when related records are fetched:
"Phone":"+1 678 XXX XXXX",
"Country":"United States",
To get the list of record IDs from the response, execute the following snippet:
<variable> = <response_variable>.toJsonList();
for each <loop_variable> in <variable>
<variable1> = <loop_variable>.getJson("id");
info <list_variable>;
Note: Refer to Zoho CRM API document - Related Records Data for possible error responses.