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Update Record

Note: The Creator V1 integration tasks are deprecated and will work until Creator V1 APIs reach their end of life on February 3rd, 2021. Click here for Zoho Creator V2 integration tasks.


This task is used to update a record in a specified application in Zoho Creator.


<variable> = zoho.creator.v1.updateRecord(<ownerName>, <appLinkName>, <formLinkName>, <recordID>, <dataMap>, <connectionlinkName>);


ParamsDescriptionData Type



Variable which will hold the returned response.



is the name of the owner of the app in which the record will be updated.

Name of the app owner is present in the url while editing the app:<appOwner>

App owner name can also be fetched using the system variable zoho.adminuser



is the link name of the application in which the record will be updated.

Link names of applications, forms, and fields in your account can be viewed here (listed in brackets).

Application Link name can also be fetched using the system variable zoho.appname



is the link name of the form in which the record will be updated.

Link names of applications, forms, and fields in your account can be viewed here (listed in brackets).



is the ID of the record which will be updated.

Record IDs can be fetched after creating or fetching records.



contains field link names and their corresponding updated values.




is the name of the Zoho Creator connection.


  • The connectionLinkName is mandatory when executed in Zoho Cliq.
  • The connection should be authtoken based. To create authtoken based connection with Zoho services, choose the default service - Zoho under pick your service in connections page.


Let us consider the below example of updating a record in Zoho Creator. Imagine that the user wants to update the Task Description of an existing record having a recordID - 3605445000000065010

Assume that we have a form with the two fields - Task_Name (Single Line Field Type) and Task_Description (Single Line Field Type). The arguments - Task_Management (Application Link Name), Create_Task (F Link Name), tony (Owner Name) will be supplied to the updateRecord task in the following example.

dataMap = {"Task_Description":"Toaster Configuration"};

response = zoho.creator.v1.updateRecord("tony", "Task_Management", "Create_Task", 3605445000000065010, dataMap);


is a KEY-VALUE pair that holds the status of the task and of the ID of the updated record
is a TEXT value that represents the application owner's name
is a TEXT value that represents the application's link name
is a TEXT value that represents the form's link name
is a NUMBER value that represents the ID of the record to be updated
is a KEY-VALUE pair that represents the values required to update records

Sample Response


Following is a successful response received after updating a record.

"values": {
"newvalues":[{"Task_Description":"Toaster Configuration"}],


Following is an error when the owner name is incorrect.

"message":"Specified ownerName is not valid",

Following is an error when the user tries to update a record with an incorrect application name.

"message":"Specified application name is not valid.Provide a correct one.",

Related Links

  • To fetch the string value to which the specified key is mapped, use get()
  • To get values from fetched records, use getJSON()
  • To get the Application Owner Name, Application Link Name, Form Link Name and/ or View Link Name, please visit Creator API Link Names

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