Update Record
Table of Contents
The zoho.creator.updateRecord task is used to update a record using its ID in the specified Zoho Creator application.
<variable> = zoho.creator.updateRecord(<owner_name>, <app_link_name>, <report_link_name>, <record_id>, <new_input_values>, <other_api_params>, <connection_link_name>);
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
<variable> | KEY-VALUE | Variable that will hold the details of the updated record. |
<owner_name> | TEXT | Name of the owner of the app from which the record needs to be fetched. Note: Name of the application owner can be fetched in the following ways:
<app_link_name> | TEXT | Link name of the application in which a record needs to be updated. Note: Link name of the application can be fetched in the following ways:
<report_link_name> | TEXT | Link name of the report in which the record needs to be updated is available. Note:
<record_id> | NUMBER | ID of the record that needs to be updated. Note: You can use the zoho.creator.getRecords integration task to fetch the record ID. Click here for the Deluge script to extract record IDs from the returned response. |
<new_input_values> | KEY-VALUE | Supply input field values as a KEY-VALUE collection. The keys to this parameter are the field link names and the values are their corresponding input values. Note:
<other_api_params> | KEY-VALUE | Other optional parameters specified in Zoho Creator Update Record By ID API document. Note: To skip this parameter, provide an empty map as its value. |
<connection_link_name> | TEXT | Link name of the connection created and connected to your Zoho Creator account. Note:
The following example updates the record with ID - 60210000000020007 from the report - All_tasks of the Zoho Creator application - Task_Management with the specified values.
// Create a KEY-VALUE variable to hold the new record values dataMap = Map(); dataMap.put("Task_Name", "Priority Task"); // Create an empty KEY-VALUE variable to skip optional parameters otherParams = Map(); // Write update record integration task response = zoho.creator.updateRecord("Shawn","Task_Management","All_Tasks",60210000000020007, dataMap, otherParams, "creator_oauth_connection");
Response Format
Success ResponseThe successful response will be returned in the following format:
The failure response for incorrect or non-existent application name will be returned in the following format
"code": 2892,
"message": "No application named <application_name> found. Please check and try again."
}The failure response for incorrect owner name will be returned in the following format
"code": 1110,
"message": "No workspace named <owner_name> found. Please enter a valid workspace value."
}The failure response for incorrect or non-existent report name will be returned in the following format
"code": 2894,
"message": "No report named <report_link_name> found. Please check and try again."
}The failure response for incorrect or non-existent record ID will be returned in the following format:
"code": 3100,
"message": "No Data Available"
Related Links
- Zoho Creator - Update Record By ID API document
- Zoho Creator API - Possible error messages and status codes
- To fetch the text value to which the specified key is mapped, use get()
- To get values from fetched records, use getJSON()
- To get the Application owner Name, Application link name, form link Name and/ or report link name, you can visit Creator API Link Names